May 28, 2024

NOT EVEN TRYING TO HIDE IT – The Biden campaign has finally conceded the obvious, his entire candidacy is premised on locking his political opponent in a jail cell. Crooked Joe Biden’s campaign rolled out a masked, unhinged Bob De Niro outside the New York City courthouse to boast about their deranged witch hunt against Biden's top political rival, President Donald Trump.

It was a scene punctuated by blaring car alarms, campaign signs in the trash, and heckles as Biden’s spokesman refused to answer questions on Biden’s weaponized Justice Department.

The Left’s lawfare is election interference at the highest level. There’s one threat to American democracy in this election — and his name is Crooked Joe Biden. For more information, click here.

BRINGING MAGA TO EVERY VOTER – From the Bronx, to the Libertarian convention, to NASCAR, President Trump is bringing his winning message to Make America Great Again to every voter across this country.

He’s breaking political norms and playing offense by expanding the electoral map. While President Trump is drawing massive crowds in traditional deep-blue New Jersey and New York, Joe Biden can’t even get ten people to show up to a Wawa in Democrat-run Philadelphia, unless they work there.

That’s the power of Make America Great Again – it does not matter your background or your zip code, Americans want safe communities, a prosperous economy, a secure border, and a peaceful world. President Trump has delivered on those promises before, and he will do it again!

VETERANS FOR TRUMP – Over the weekend, The Trump campaign announced the launch of “Veterans and Military Families for Trump,” a Coalition with over 175 endorsements from decorated Veterans, Gold Star families, and heroes who love our country.

Watch the video below:

While Joe Biden looks at his watch during the dignified transfer of our fallen heroes, President Trump salutes the ongoing service and sacrifice this community makes every day to protect our communities.


In the words of President Trump, “you are America’s greatest living heroes, and we will cherish you now, always, and forever.” For the full press release, click here.

GASLIGHTING ON GAS PRICES – Joe Biden is taking a bizarre victory lap on gas prices while further undermining our energy security instead of increasing domestic energy production.

Reminder: Gas prices have been above $3 a gallon for over 1,100 days. They were never that high under President Trump. The sky-high gas prices under Biden are not a surprise. He promised to wage war on American energy:

  • In July 2019, Biden promised, “we would work [fossil fuels] out. We would make sure it's eliminated."
  • In September 2019, Biden guaranteed that, “we’re going to end fossil fuel.”
  • In March 2020, Biden promised, “No ability for the oil industry to continue to drill, period, ends.”

Given Biden’s attempt to lie about the impact of his policies, this recap of how Biden has undermined American energy is a must read.

STEALING SOCIAL SECURITY – Crooked Joe Biden's failed “Bidenomics” policies are stealing the purchasing power of seniors on Social Security. That’s the impact of Biden’s inflation tax. Only President Trump can fix it and protect our seniors. Watch the video here.

ARRESTED, RELEASED, REPEAT – An illegal alien has been arrested TEN TIMES since arriving in Chicago in July. He was routinely arrested and released, all while he was living at a taxpayer-funded shelter.

Joe Biden and the Democrats’ open-border policies, coupled with their pro-criminal agenda, have created a bloodbath of crime in our communities. For these stories and more, go to where we are holding Joe Biden accountable for his deliberate destruction of the rule of law.

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Paid for by Donald J. Trump for President 2024