Kamala Harris wants you to believe she has a new economic “vision” to solve the problems of “Bidenomics.” She’s lying; Bidenomics is Kamalanomics. We’ve lived the results of Kamalanomics for three and half years, and prices are higher, real wages are lower, and families are poorer.

Here’s how Kamala Harris described the results of her own economic policies:

  • “Everyday prices are too high”
  • “It feels so hard to just be able to get ahead.”
  • “The bills add up”
  • “There’s a serious housing shortage”
  • “There’s not much left at the end of the month

Yikes. That’s quite the indictment of her own economic policies. Kamala cast the tie-breaking vote for $1.9 trillion in inflationary spending and the tie-breaking vote on the “Inflation Reduction Act” scam and proudly brags about it. Even liberal economists like Jason Furman, Steven Rattner, Larry Summers, and Janet Yellen say her spending fueled inflation.

Since Kamala took office, overall prices are up over 20%, food prices are up over 21%, rent is up 22%, and electricity is up 31.7%.  

Now, she wants to add bread lines and shortages to her record of fueling inflation. Even the liberal Washington Post compared her policies to the Soviet Union and Venezuela.

Kamala Harris owns the dismal economy, and her new “vision” has justly earned her the name: “Comrade Kamala.”

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