June 21, 2024

BIDEN’S BORDER INVASION RAGES ON – New data shows 170,723 illegal immigrants were encountered at the southern border in May — the 39th straight month where monthly encounters have been higher than even the highest month under President Trump.

Nearly ten million illegals have crossed the open southern border under Biden, including 1.8 million known “gotaways” who escaped past Border Patrol and into the country.

Biden’s fake executive order has done absolutely nothing to secure the border — and the blood is on his hands as U.S. citizens are raped and murdered by illegal alien monsters who have no legal right to be in the country.

It doesn’t have to be this way. On Day One, President Trump will seal the border and begin the largest domestic deportation operation in American history. For more, click here.

BIDEN’S BORDER CRUELTY– Despite Biden’s promise of a “fair and humane immigration system,” his open-border policies aren't compassionate; they are deadly. In just the past month:

  • A 12-year-old girl was raped and strangled to death by two Venezuelan nationals who crossed into the U.S. illegally this year and were caught and released by Border Patrol.
  • Two NYPD officers were shot by a Venezuelan national after he crossed the border illegally in Eagle Pass, TX last July and was released by the Biden administration.
    • An immigration judge with the U.S. Justice Department dismissed removal proceedings against the Venezuelan national just one month prior to shooting the NYPD officers.
  • Three illegal aliens from Brazil were arrested in connection with a shooting that killed a 16-year-old at a house party in Massachusetts.
  • Two illegal aliens reportedly staying at one of the migrant hotel shelters in New York brutally beat and mugged a tourist outside a hotel in Times Square.
  • An illegal alien was arrested for the rape and murder of Rachel Morin, a Maryland mother of 5. He was released into the U.S. by Biden after he committed another murder of a young woman in El Salvador.
    • Just months before killing Rachel Morin, he brutally attacked a 9-year-old girl and her mother in a California home invasion.

These are just a few of the horrifying crimes Biden has allowed to happened. For more information, click here or go to BidenBloodbath.com.

A BIG CONVENTION ANNOUNCEMENT – President Trump announced today that Sean O’Brien, the General President of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, has accepted has invitation to speak at the RNC Convention in Milwaukee!

President Trump is the pro-worker president. Joe Biden is the pro-illegal alien president. The working men and women of this country want to Make America Prosperous Again. They will vote accordingly and reelect President Trump!

A Nine Point Lead – According to the latest Rasmussen poll, President Trump has a nine point lead in a head-to-head race against Crooked Joe Biden. This comes a day after a poll from The Hill/Emerson Poll shows President Trump leading in every single battleground state and tied in blue Minnesota.

MOMENTUM: PRESIDENT TRUMP! – The Trump Campaign has wiped out Biden's cash-on-hand advantage with historic fundraising numbers for President Trump. For months, the Biden Campaign cited fundraising as a strength for Joe Biden. Not so any more.

Meanwhile, The RealClearPolitics polling average shows President Trump commandingly ahead in the swing states, with a lead in every single battleground. This lead has increased since the sham trial verdict. Just yesterday, a poll from The Hill/Emerson reaffirmed this reality while showing President Trump tied in the blue state of Minnesota.

A new NBC News report offers an inside look at Biden’s panic: “President Joe Biden tends to deliver his most unvarnished attacks on his political adversaries at campaign fundraisers, away from the glare of television cameras. And lately one of his most frequent targets — second only to former President Donald Trump — is another persistent fixture of the 2024 race: public polling data.”

Worryingly for Democrats, President Trump’s momentum comes even as Biden’s campaign has spent over $90,000,000 on media buys and analytics. In contrast, President Trump has relied on his unprecedented ability to reach voters combined with a state-of-the-art organic digital operation to drive the news cycle. So Biden’s barrage of media buys have done nothing to stop his hemorrhaging of support while President Trump has yet to unleash his firepower.


Biden is panicking for good reason. For more information, check out our must-read “Crooked Biden Recap,” Biden Failure Fridays edition.

BLOOD ON BIDEN’S HANDS – Rachel Morin’s murder was preventable, but Joe Biden decided to open the border and to release illegal alien criminals into our country. He still has not reached out to the family. Watch the video here.

NO TAX ON TIPS! – President Trump’s plan to end taxes on tips is receiving high praise in Nevada. Reminder: Joe Biden wants to raise middle-class taxes by ending the Trump tax cuts. Watch the video here.

VIRGINIA, HERE COMES PRESIDENT TRUMP! – President Trump will hold a large event in Virginia on Friday, June 28 – the day after the presidential debate. President Trump is playing offense all across the electoral map!

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