June 3, 2024

THE TRUMP BUMP CONTINUES – President Trump’s Campaign and the RNC announced a massive $141 million fundraising haul in May. It’s clear, the sham Biden trial and verdict outraged and motivated Americans from every walk of life, and this outpouring is a direct response of support for President Trump.

  • This overwhelming financial success is the result of over 2 million donations, which came in at an average of $70.27.
  • 25% of May's donors were brand new to the 2024 campaign.
  • This total comes after the campaign raised $53 million online in the 24 hours – 37.6% of the total haul and more than $2 million per hour – since Crooked Joe Biden and his New York henchmen secured their rigged verdict in hopes of swaying the election.

Organizations supporting President Trump raised another $150 million in May. Taken together, the campaign and other Trump supporting organizations raised nearly $300 million during the month of May.

Joe Biden and the Left may be weaponizing institutions in their savage pursuit of power, but the people stand with President Trump, and the people are making their voices heard. For more, click here.

NO ORDER WITH BORDER ORDER – Crooked Joe Biden has zero interest in border security. While reports vary, Biden is expected to “restrict” illegal immigration only when illegal border crossings reach many thousands per day for a week. That means Biden is attempting to legalize the worst border crisis in U.S. history.

Reminder, that isn’t normal. In 2019, Obama-Biden DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson outlined the benchmark of a crisis. He said 1,000 illegal border crossings per day “overwhelms the system. I cannot begin to imagine what 4,000/day looks like.”

We don’t have to imagine; under Crooked Joe Biden, it’s an everyday reality.

Biden’s “plan” is to legalize the worst border crisis in U.S. history. President Trump’s plan is to secure the border. For more, click here.

MASS AMNESTY UNDER COVER – According to a new report from the New York Post, the Biden administration is operating a de facto “mass amnesty” program for illegal aliens as it “quietly terminates 350,000 asylum cases.”

350,000! Under Biden, there is no vetting, there is no process, and there is no proper enforcement of immigration law. He has opened the floodgates, and it was all be design. To read the full report, click here.

TRUMP FORCE 47 – In the wake of the rigged Biden Trial in New York, Team Trump and the RNC launched the Trump Force 47 grassroots organizing program. Trump Force 47 is designed to engage tens of thousands of new volunteers across the country to participate in a neighbor-to-neighbor organizing program hyper-focused on mobilizing highly-targeted voters in critical precincts across the battleground states and districts.

It will leverage the manpower of state and local Republican parties, other organized right of center groups, and its own focused efforts to recruit, train, and organize volunteers who are assigned to turn out specifically targeted voters in their own precinct.

Go to TrumpForce47.com to sign up and learn more!

“NOVEMBER IS AMERICA'S LAST CHANCE” – Sen. Marco Rubio is out with a much read op-ed following the sham trial verdict on why we must elect President Trump this November.

Here are some key lines:

  • “I grew up in Miami listening to the stories about the Castro show trials in Cuba. Not even in my worst nightmares would something like that ever happen here in America. But it did…It was a sham political show trial like the ones Communists used against their political opponents in Cuba and the Soviet Union.”
  • “Why is this ruling class so desperate to sideline Trump? Because voters like him better than Joe Biden. Poll after poll makes it clear that Trump is very likely to be the next president. The reasons why aren't a mystery. Life was better, America was stronger, and the world less chaotic when Trump was President.”

To read the full op-ed, click here.

BORDER BLOODBATH – According to the NYPD, two police officers were shot last night by an illegal alien who had been released into the U.S. by the Biden administration. How many assaults, attacks, murders, thefts, and other heinous crimes need to happen before Joe Biden stops apologizing to criminal illegal aliens? Watch the video here.

THE GREATEST THREAT TO DEMOCRACY – Joe Biden is the single greatest threat to democracy. His smirk confirmed it. Watch the video here.

THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE  – The American people are taking a stand against the Lefts’ lawfare. Even the biased media was forced to admit it after the massive fundraising haul following the sham trial verdict. Watch the video here.

“TIC-TAC-TOE, A WINNER!”– On Saturday night, President Trump joined TikTok. Released with no announcement, the account quickly broke records, destroying dishonest Joe Biden's weak and feeble TikTok launch video, and becoming the most successful political account launch in TikTok history.


Within 24 hours:

  • The @RealDonaldTrump launch video had over 55.5 million views.
  • The @RealDonaldTrump account had 2.7M followers.
  • The @RealDonaldTrump account had 2.8M likes.
  • The @RealDonaldTrump launch video surpassed the @BidenHQ launch video just 12 hours after launch.
  • The @RealDonaldTrump account had 10X the number followers of the @BidenHQ account.
  • The @RealDonaldTrump launch video had already generated 30X more views than the @BidenHQ account average monthly across all content.

To borrow from the infamous words of Nancy Pelosi, “Tic-tac-toe, a winner!” The launch of this account truly was a winner.

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Paid for by Donald J. Trump for President 2024