August 23, 2024

Contact: Tommy Pigott and Taylor Rogers, Team Trump

RFK JR. ENDORSES PRESIDENT TRUMP! – In major news, RFK Jr. just threw his support behind President Trump! While endorsing President Trump, RFK Jr. tore into the undemocratic, corrupt Democrat Party.

President Trump is the leader we need to unite this country and Make America Great Again!

“HERE’S A TIP” – Today, the Trump Campaign released a new ad highlighting Kamala Harris’s record of attacks on tips as vice president. To watch the ad, click here.

Kamala Harris is desperately trying to plagiarize President Trump’s platform because her policies are too dangerously liberal to run on. She has no intention of following through. In contrast, President Trump will. Their records prove it:

  • Kamala was the deciding vote on the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act” scam, which raised the tax burden on the middle-class and expanded the IRS to target working Americans with audits. As predicted, Kamala’s IRS targeted tipped-workers and expanded audits on the middle class.
  • In contrast, President Trump has long championed eliminating taxes on tips for restaurant and hospitality workers – a major boost to working families. President Trump wants to let workers keep more of their own money.

The contrast is clear: Attacks on Tips vs. No Tax on Tips. If you want to end taxes on tips, vote for President Trump!


DAY THREE OF THE DISASTROUS DNC – Are you one of the millions of Americans who couldn’t stand to watch day four of the Democrats' trainwreck in Chicago? Team Trump has the lowlights:

  • Kamala essentially eulogized the political career of Crooked Joe Biden – whose decline she spent years covering up.
  • Kamala claimed she understands the “importance” of border security, even after she opened the border and invited millions of illegal aliens to invade our communities and brutalize our citizens.
  • Kamala called for mass amnesty for millions of illegal aliens, including those who were already deported – giving them welfare, health care, voting rights, and entitlements.
  • Kamala talked a lot about herself, but didn't say a word about the innocent victims of the border crisis she created.
  • Kamala claimed she “fought” the cartels after she allowed the cartels to wage war on America and ravage our communities with deadly drugs.
  • Kamala scolded Americans for “talking about how terrible everything is,” while Americans are unable to afford food, gas, rent, and groceries in the Kamala economy.
  • Kamala bragged about failing to prevent Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
  • Kamala claimed she'd be tough on Iran – after enriching Iran and its proxies with tens of billions of dollars as they attacked our troops and allies.
  • Kamala lied about wanting to raise trillions in new taxes by enacting her communist delusions.
  • Kamala lied about President Trump, who made NATO stronger than it had ever been.
  • A delegate was robbed at gunpoint while walking the streets of Chicago.
  • A panelist declared the “need to un-f*ck our economy” after almost four years of Kamala and Biden.
  • Gavin Newsom admitted liberal policies are to blame for California’s homelessness crisis.
  • Democrats gave a standing ovation to the two individuals arguably most responsible for conspiring with Kamala to keep schools closed for as long as possible.
  • Hakeem Jeffries ran away from questions on Kamala's support for bailing violent criminals out of jail.
  • Democrats didn't mention the assassination attempt against President Trump a single time.

Kamala's speech was a clinic in gaslighting – a desperate attempt to convince Americans she is anything but the Radical Left lunatic who has spent the past four years destroying the country.

For the full post or to share, click here.

THE RAPID REACTION – Team Trump had rapid response to the lies, smears, and radicalism from Kamala’s speech last night. They set the record straight on everything from foreign policy, to the economy, to the border, to Kamala’s record in California.

Click below for the must-read reaction.

  • Kamala Harris Is Dangerously Liberal, Not A Centrist
  • Kamala Has Brought Us To The Brink Of WWIII
  • Kamala *Already* Raised Taxes – And She’ll Do It Again
  • Kamala Owns The Border Invasion She Created
  • Kamala Owns The Harris-Biden Economic Failure
  • Kamala Harris Destroyed San Francisco
  • Kamala Harris Went Soft On Gun Criminals As San Francisco’s DA

Kamala can’t sell her weak, failed, and dangerously liberal record, so all she can do is hide and lie.


STOPPING DEMOCRAT SCHEMES IN DETROIT – As first reported by Fox News, the RNC, Michigan GOP, and chairs of Wayne County Republican committees sued the City of Detroit over its deliberate failure to hire a sufficient number of Republican election inspectors. State law mandates that election officials must hire equally from both sides of the political aisle, yet the city is refusing to comply – hiring seven times as many Democrats. 

In the words RNC Chairman Michael Whatley and RNC Co-Chair Lara Trump, “Detroit’s failure to hire Republican poll workers is the kind of bad-faith Democrat interference that drives down faith in elections. The RNC is bringing suit to remedy this completely unacceptable breach of public trust and our unprecedented election integrity campaign will continue to fight in Michigan and nationwide to protect the rights of every voter to have fair, accurate, secure and transparent elections.”

Read the full press release here.


ZERO MINUTES ON AN ACTUAL AGENDA – Kamala Harris has spent 3.5 years as vice president creating chaos, destruction, and crises at home and abroad. How much time in her speech yesterday did she spend talking about her actual plans if she’d be elected president? None. Instead, she tried to gaslight the American people into believing that she hasn’t been a key player in the disastrous Harris-Biden administration.

There’s a reason Kamala Harris is hiding: Her policies are dangerously liberal. This is her policy:

  • Setting Murderers Free
  • More “Bidenomics” With A Communist Twist
  • More Taxes On The Middle Class
  • Abolishing The Border
  • Bringing Back The Green New Deal
  • “Freedom” For Violent Criminals
  • Defunding Police And Fewer Cops On The Street
  • A Socialist Takeover Of Healthcare
  • Giving Social Security And Medicare To Illegal Aliens

This Comrade Kamala agenda is all based on positions she’s held, things she’s said, and actions she’s taken. We have all the receipts – go to

She is weak, failed, and dangerously liberal. Her dishonest, empty speech only reaffirmed that.

SAY THEIR NAMES – Kamala talked a lot about herself. She never said these three names: Laken Riley, Rachel Morin, and Jocelyn Nungaray. President Trump does. He will never forget them, and he will secure our border so heartbreaking, preventable crimes like these never happen again.

Laken Riley.

Rachel Morin.

Jocelyn Nungaray.

KAMALA’S BORDER BLOODBATH – Heartbreakingly, the number of victims of Kamala’s border crisis grows by the day. These crimes are preventable, and the illegal aliens committing them should never have been in our country in the first place. Instead of protecting Americans, Kamala released criminals into our communities.

As first reported by The Hill, Team Trump is holding her accountable. Today, Team Trump launched

Kamala Harris refused to mention the victims of her border crisis during her speech because she doesn’t care. She is complicit in fueling an invasion, and Americans are paying the price.

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