October 16, 2024

Contact: Tommy Pigott and Taylor Rogers, Team Trump

THE CRIME STATS STEALTH EDIT – First, hundreds of thousands of previously reported jobs went up in smoke. Now, a new report reveals the FBI secretly updated its crime data to show that violent crime didn't drop by 2.1% in 2022, but instead increased in 2022 by 4.5%.

From RealClearInvestigations: “When the FBI originally released the ‘final’ crime data for 2022 in September 2023, it reported that the nation’s violent crime rate fell by 2.1%. This quickly became, and remains, a Democratic Party talking point to counter Donald Trump’s claims of soaring crime. But the FBI has quietly revised those numbers, releasing new data that shows violent crime increased in 2022 by 4.5%. The new data includes thousands more murders, rapes, robberies, and aggravated assaults. The Bureau – which has been at the center of partisan storms – made no mention of these revisions in its September 2024 press release.”


Turns out President Trump was right, again.

Team Trump has repeatedly called out Kamala Harris and Tim Walz’s lies about crime – lies often uncritically parroted by the fake news media. Not only did they “stealth edit” the data, but when Kamala took office, the FBI changed how it collects crime data. As a result, they’re missing data from a huge number of the nation's law enforcement agencies, including from many of the most violent cities.

A much more accurate picture emerges using data from the DOJ's National Crime Victimization Survey, which shows crime rates remain way up under Kamala. In fact, violent crime is up 37% between 2020 and last year.

  • Rape is up 42%.
  • Robbery is up 63%.
  • Assault is up 34%.
  • Violent crime (excluding simple assault) is up 55%.
  • Domestic violence is up 32%.
  • Stranger violence is up 61%.
  • Violent crime (with an injury) is up 10%.
  • Violent crime (with a weapon) is up 56%.
  • Motor vehicle theft is up 42%.

Democrats continue to lie when they claim that crime is under control under Kamala Harris. She would make things even worse with her defund the police agenda.

“THE PARTY OF IVF” – President Trump made clear – once again – that the Republican Party is the party of IVF. Every single time that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz say otherwise, they are flat-out lying.

In fact, President Trump announced a new policy proposal in August “that under the Trump administration, your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment.”


That wasn’t the only issue discussed during the town hall on Fox News. President Trump also discussed his plans to revitalize the economy, lower taxes, protect women’s sports, secure the border, and Back the Blue. These are commonsense proposals. Indeed, as President Trump says, the Republican Party is now the party of commonsense.

“QUE MALA” KAMALA – Today, President Trump took part in a town hall hosted by Univision that will air later this evening. His message focused on economic opportunity for all Americans. President Trump’s pro-growth agenda delivered an economic boom, which drove down unemployment and expanded opportunity for Hispanic Americans. Under President Trump’s leadership, the Hispanic community saw:

Hispanic Americans have been left behind by the failed policies of the Harris-Biden administration:

  • Just 20% of Hispanic Americans think the economy is doing well under Kamala, the lowest of any U.S. demographic group, according to a survey by Pew Research Center.
  • Four out of the top five priorities for Hispanic American voters are pocketbook issues, according to UnidosUS polling.
  • In the last two years under Kamala, the Hispanic American unemployment rate rose by a full percentage point.
  • The number of Hispanic Americans living in poverty has increased by 370,000 people during the first three years of the Harris-Biden administration.
  • Kamala’s failed border policies have allowed dangerous transnational gangs from South and Central America to grow power and influence, terrorizing Hispanic communities in the United States.

Hispanic American voters are fleeing to the Republican Party, rejecting the Democrat party's socialist policies and authoritarian mandates. Hispanic communities know they were better off under President Trump’s leadership, and when he is elected on November 5th they will be once again. “Que Mala” Kamala; vote for President Trump!

DODGING ISN’T “DISCIPLINE” – Kamala’s interview is set to air on Fox News shortly. Be sure to follow @TrumpWarRoom for the must-see clips and rapid reaction.

Ahead of the interview, it’s worth remembering that dodging isn’t “discipline,” like Kamala Harris may have you believe. Team Trump has new reaction to some of Kamala’s recent interviews where she essential brags about refusing to answer important questions Americans want the answers to.

Kamala’s argument was always built on a foundation of sand, but with every new day it continues to crumble. During her interview with Charlamagne tha God, she showed two more fundamental problems with her campaign.

First, Kamala insisted that “one of the biggest challenges I face is mis and disinformation... They convince people they somehow should not believe the work I have done has occurred and has meaning.”


Absurd. Her problem isn’t “disinformation,” it is her weak, failed, and dangerously liberal record.

  • She was the deciding vote that even liberal economists say fueled inflation. Now, prices are up over 20%.
  • She was the tie-breaking vote to raise the tax burden on the middle class. Now, she wants to raise taxes even more by eliminating the President Trump’s middle-class tax cuts.
  • She was the “border czar” during the worst border crisis in U.S. history. Now, tens of millions of illegal aliens have crossed the border, communities are overwhelmed, and transnational gangs have exploited the crisis to set up a “criminal empire” in our country.
  • She was the “last person in the room” for the Afghanistan withdrawal decision, and a key player in the Harris-Biden administration’s weak “don’t” messaging campaign (even as they empowered the Iranian regime) which Iran flagrantly ignored by attacking Israel.

Second, she was asked, “what do you say to people who say you stay on the talking points?” Kamala said, "I would say you're welcome."

Meaningless word salads are not “discipline.” Refusing to answer important questions is nothing to brag about. Kamala is asked if she’d do anything differently than Biden. She said no. She’s asked how she plans to lower costs. She dodges. She’s asked why she hasn’t solved any of the problems she has helped created the last 3.5 years. She can’t answer.

Kamala is not answering questions and now demands to be thanked for it. That shows how truly out of touch she is.

Bottom Line: Kamala can’t run on her weak record, and she can’t run on her weak agenda because all she is offering is four more years of the disastrous Harris-Biden administration. In fact, she’s not just doubling down – she’d be even worse.

TEAMSTERS FOR TRUMP – President Trump has the overwhelming support of the Teamsters members across the country. In a new op-ed, Teamsters members from Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Arizona explain why.

From the op-ed:

  • “But for years, the Democrat Party has taken us for granted – claiming to support labor unions while refusing to wholeheartedly back legislation that would strengthen protections for America’s workers.”  
  • “They will not acknowledge their role in contributing to the most pressing problems facing working families – massive costs that have made it harder to put food on the table, unlimited illegal immigration resulting in more jobs going to foreign-born workers and bad trade deals that have shipped our manufacturing sectors to China.” 
  • “Trump ended the disastrous NAFTA agreement, the worst trade deal ever made, and negotiated the USMCA – which Harris opposed. He forced the government to buy American and hire American to help stop the outsourcing of jobs overseas. He worked with foreign leaders to reform the World Trade Organization to benefit our workers. He negotiated trade agreements with countries like Japan and South Korea, as well as nations in the European Union, to resolve years of unfair trading practices and increase made-in-America exports.” 
  • “Those policies worked. Under Trump, America’s overall trade deficit decreased – including with China, which was cut back by $73 billion. Wages soared at the fastest rate in a decade. In his first three years, Trump created 419,000 new manufacturing jobs and 740,000 new construction jobs. America was respected again because Trump took the fight straight to China, and our workers were better off.”
  • “In his second term, Trump has promised to implement a national reshoring plan to create millions of new jobs and make our country totally independent from China. He will end Harris’s electric vehicle mandate that has destroyed manufacturing jobs in middle America. He will impose a tariff on all foreign goods across the board and pass a reciprocal trade act to ensure that the United States is matching any tariff that other countries force upon our industries and workers.”
  • “For us, the choice is clear. Donald Trump stood up for the working men and women of America once, and when he says that he will have our backs in a second term, we believe him. Other workers should, too.”

Read the full op-ed here.

PROTECT WOMEN’S SPORTS – The Washington Times is out with a new article on how the Democrats’ extremist opposition to protecting women’s sports is alienating voters.

From the article:

  • “Transgender athletes’ participation in women’s sports has emerged as a sleeper issue that is poised to attract elusive female suburban voters to former President Donald Trump and other Republican candidates on the ballot.” 
  • “‘I’m a perfect case in point,’ said Kim Jones, a co-founder of the Independent Council on Women’s Sports. Ms. Jones had long voted for Democrats, including in the 2020 presidential election. Then her daughter, a student at Yale, was defeated in top collegiate swimming meets by Lia Thomas, a 6-foot-4 biological man who identified as female and was permitted to participate on the University of Pennsylvania women’s swimming team.”
  • “‘I’m no longer willing to vote for anyone who doesn’t know what a woman is, ever,’ said Ms. Jones, a former All-American collegiate athlete. ‘And I hear from women like me every day. For that matter, also men. It’s a much bigger and more widespread problem than people realize.’”
  • “Ms. Jones favors the position held by Mr. Trump, who has pledged to ensure that Title IX, the law protecting girls’ and women’s education at federally funded schools, does not allow biological males to participate in girls’ and women’s sports.”
  • “The former president’s views align with polls that consistently show most voters oppose allowing transgender, biological men and boys to participate as females. A Gallup Poll released last year found that nearly 70% of people said transgender athletes should be able to compete only on teams that align with their biological sex. A Los Angeles Times/NORC poll taken in January found that 66% of adults said transgender girls, who are biological boys, should not be allowed to compete in girls’ sports or only in rare cases.”

To read the full article, click here.

A NEW GOLDEN AGE – Under President Trump’s leadership, America will see a new Golden Age! Watch the video here.

STAY UP TO DATE – Missed President Trump’s rally in Atlanta? Watch the recap here.

Missed his town hall on Fox News? Watch the full town hall here.

No one is working harder than President Trump to Make America Great Again – and he is certainly outworking the floundering Harris campaign. Be sure you are following Team Trump accounts across social media platforms for all the must-see updates, fact checks, clips, videos, and reaction.

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