Joe Biden’s campaign is failing. 

As his reelection bid flounders, Biden has officially gone from, “I don’t look at the polls,” to “read the polls, Jack,” to an all-out obsession with the polls. 

A new NBC News report offers an inside look at Biden’s panic: “President Joe Biden tends to deliver his most unvarnished attacks on his political adversaries at campaign fundraisers, away from the glare of television cameras. And lately one of his most frequent targets — second only to former President Donald Trump — is another persistent fixture of the 2024 race: public polling data.”

He’s panicking for good reason.

The RealClearPolitics polling average shows President Trump commandingly ahead in the swing states, with a lead in every single battleground. This lead has increased since the sham trial verdict. Just yesterday, a poll from The Hill/Emerson reaffirmed this reality while showing President Trump tied in the blue state of Minnesota. In what must have sent shivers down the spins of Team Biden, a Seina College poll even found President Trump within striking distance in deep-blue New York. It’s clear: President Trump is playing offense all over the electoral map.

Worryingly for Democrats, President Trump’s momentum comes even as Biden’s campaign has spent over $90,000,000 on media buys and analytics. $90 million and it hasn’t moved the needle in his favor an inch. Biden’s campaign has passed the point of completely diminished marginal return. They might have more luck simply setting the cash on fire. Meanwhile, the Trump Campaign has yet to spend heavily on media buys. President Trump has relied on his unprecedented ability to reach voters combined with a state-of-the-art organic digital operation to drive the news cycle. His TikTok account, for example, is the fastest growing political account in TikTok’s history.

That brings us to the main news of the day: The Trump Campaign has wiped out Biden's cash-on-hand advantage with historic fundraising numbers for President Trump. For months, the Biden Campaign cited fundraising as a strength for Joe Biden. Not so any more.

So Biden’s barrage of media buys have done nothing to stop his hemorrhaging of support while President Trump has yet to unleash his firepower. It’s no wonder Biden donors “are among those most concerned about the numbers” according to NBC News.

The excuses Biden uses to justify wasting more of his donors’ money are running thin.

He claims he is focused on polling from key constituencies, but polling shows President Trump with historic numbers unseen for a Republican in decades among Black AmericansLatino Americans, and young Americans – voting blocks that have been key for Democrats in elections past.

He insists he’s cares more about “issue” polling. The problem there is that voters trust President Trump more than Biden on issues ranging from the economy to the border to foreign policy by massive margins.

Ultimately, one of the main takeaways from the NBC News report is that Biden is not actually focused on the issues that matter most to voters. While he spends time attacking the polls, he is missing the bigger picture: He is a failed president. “Bidenomics” has made Americans poorer, his border policies have created the worst border invasion in U.S. history, and his failed foreign policy has brought the world to the brink of World War III. 

$90 million can’t change that.

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