July 24, 2024

HARRIS IS BORDER CZAR – Despite her desperate attempt to dodge responsibility, the truth is that Kamala Harris was the “border czar” tasked with dealing with the crisis that the Biden-Harris administration created on our border. She failed completely. Her neglect and incompetence opened the floodgates to nearly 10 million unvetted illegals and an explosion of migrant crime, including the brutal murders of Rachel MorinLaken Riley, and countless other women who have suffered directly from the Harris-Biden open border bloodbath.


While Harris tries to rewrite history, here are the receipts:

A real leader takes responsibility and solves crises. Harris dodges responsibilities and creates crises. President Trump will end the border invasion on Day One. For more information, click here.

HARRIS CHOOSES HAMAS OVER ISRAEL – Instead of supporting America’s ally Israel, Kamala Harris sides with the pro-Hamas left. Her boycott of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech before Congress is proof of that.

In fact, as the Team Trump Rapid Response Team pointed out, Harris has fully capitulated to the Radical Left as she quickly abandoned any support for Israel:

  • Harris began criticizing Israel’s response to Hamas mere weeks after the October 7 terrorist attacks – before soon abandoning Israel altogether.
  • Harris praised antisemitic protesters who accused Israel and the U.S. of “genocide” and promised protesters she'd “never attempt to stifle or silence” them as they called for Israel’s elimination.
  • Harris warned against an Israeli offensive in Rafah because she “studied the maps.”
  • Harris “both sides”-ed the terrorist attack on Israel: “This is not binary.”
  • Harris parroted propaganda from the Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry.
  • Harris couldn't articulate why Biden planned to veto funding for Israel nor detail basic policy positions.
  • Harris turned a blind eye as antisemitic Democrats terrorized Jews, rioted on college campuses, and assaulted police officers.

Harris's weakness was evident long before October 7. Now with Biden fully deposed as the Democrats’ nominee, her dangerously incompetent, radically liberal ideology is front-and-center. To share or read the full post from the Team Trump Rapid Response Team, click here.

NO TAX ON TIPS – The Culinary Workers Union endorsed President Trump's No Tax on Tips policy – which was announced at his rally in Las Vegas, Nevada on June 9th.

Vote Trump for no tax on tips!

THE REAL TRUMP PLATFORM – Kamala Harris can’t run on her disastrous record, and she can’t run against President Trump’s historic record of accomplishment. So what does she do? Lie.

Enter the Lie Of The Year: Kamala Harris’s claim that it’s “Trump’s Project 2025.

Project 2025 is not President Trump’s agenda. You’d think that a candidate already facing serious questions about her central role in lying about Biden’s cognitive decline wouldn’t base her entire campaign on another lie, but here we are.

Every time you hear Harris or Democrats say, “Project 2025 is the Trump Agenda,” they are lying.  Not only has President Trump said that Project 2025 is not his agenda repeatedly, including explicitly disavowing it, but USA Today also factchecked this bogus claim, labeling it as false:  “Project 2025 is a political playbook created by the Heritage Foundation and dozens of other conservative groups, not Trump.”                                                                                                                                

For those interested in the truth, here is President Trump’s real platform:

These 20 promises are a unifying proposal to Make America Great Again. Given the popularity and success of these ideas, it’s no wonder Harris has resorted to simply making things up. For more information on President Trump’s and the RNC’s platform, go to: http://DonaldjTrump.com/platform.

REWRITING HISTORY – The fake news media is desperately trying to rewrite history to protect Kamala Harris from accountability for her complete failure as border czar. The Trump Rapid Response Team is not letting them get away with it.

Here’s the must-read post:


Fresh off the "cheap fakes" hoax – where the entire mainstream media falsely characterized accurate videos of Biden's decline as fake – they are now lying about Kamala's role as Biden's border czar.


This morning, Axios reporter Stef Kight bizarrely claimed that Kamala "never actually had" the title of border czar. Oh? Someone should show Stef this article published in Axios in March 2021 written by... Stef Kight.


Axios' own website contains *multiple articles* naming Kamala Harris as Biden's border czar in 2021.

  • AXIOS IN 2021: "Harris, appointed by Biden as border czar..."

  • ALSO AXIOS IN 2021: "Biden puts Harris in charge of border crisis" 

After being exposed (and ratioed on X), Axios doubled down on their lie and committed the ultimate act of self-humiliation, adding an editor's note to Kight's article claiming "that Axios was among the news outlets that incorrectly labeled Harris a "border czar" back in 2021."


The fact is that Kamala Harris owns all of the border crisis — the 10 million unvetted illegals released into our country, the humanitarian crisis transpiring at the border, the deadly drug and human trafficking, the 300+ encounters of individuals on the terror watchlist, and the heinous murders of innocent Americans by Kamala's illegals.


Kamala Harris is weak, failed, and dangerously liberal.

To share the post or for more information, click here.

PUT ON A “SHOW” – A new report from the New York Post shows, once again, that Kamala Harris cared more about optics than securing the border. During her first and only trip to the border as border czar, the Biden-Harris administration instructed agents to put on a “show” to hide the true extent of Harris’s failures.

Some key lines from the report:

  • “When Vice President Kamala Harris made her first and only trip to the US-Mexico border, federal agents on the front lines were instructed to completely sanitize the area to hide the true severity of the crisis from cameras, sources told The Post – even going so far as braiding the hair of unaccompanied minors.”
  • “Harris, whose first big job as the nation’s No. 2 executive was to control the flow of migrants across the southern border, went to the border near El Paso, Texas, on June 25, 2021, after pressure from Republicans over her handling of the crisis. Border Patrol sources said agents on the ground were told to start moving migrants out of holding facilities to put on a ‘show’ for Harris.”
  • “‘They rented out a ton of hotels and we spent hours moving out bodies. The kids that remained, we had to braid their hair,’ one agent said, adding that they ‘made jokes about how the building was more secure than the whole border was.’” 

In reality, Harris has never actually seen the border crisis first hand. In the words of President Trump, “[Kamala Harris] visited the border a single time, far away from the epicenter of the invasion. You don’t even call it a visit … She went to a place that has no problem, and was there for a very short period of time. So essentially, she never visited the border as we know it.”

Read the full article here.

BORDER CZAR HARRIS – Don’t let the Fake News media fool you, Harris is border czar. Watch the video with the receipts here.

THE KAMALA COVERUP – While the Fake News media may be giving Kamala Harris a pass for her central role in covering up Biden’s decline, the American people aren’t. Watch the video here.

PRESIDENT TRUMP IN NORTH CAROLINA – The crowds to see President Trump in North Carolina today are massive!

The movement to Save America has never been stronger! MAGA!

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