June 4, 2024

PERMANENT INVASION – Nothing Crooked Joe Biden announced today will “shut down” the border or “limit” asylum claims. He did the opposite, in fact — by establishing a weekly minimum number of illegal aliens allowed into the country and expanding eligibility for his fraudulent asylum scheme.

In short, Biden is trying to make the border invasion permanent.

Biden’s new order will fast-pass the entry of even more illegal aliens into the country by simply routing them to ports of entry, where they’ll be processed and released into the country to await adjudication years from now.

It’s yet another expansion of illegal immigration under Biden, who has already offered mass amnesty to hundreds of thousands of inadmissible aliens.

Biden could actually shut down the border any time he wanted. But he refuses. The only way to end the bloodbath is to re-elect President Trump in November.

For more, click here.

PRESIDENT TRUMP RESPONDS – In a must-watch response, President Trump called out Joe Biden for aiding and abetting the invasion of our southern border: “Crooked Joe Biden, the worst president in the history of our country by far, has totally surrendered our southern border. His weakness and extremism have resulted in a border invasion like we have never seen before.”

President Trump explained the truth behind Joe Biden’s executive order, and how – far from securing the border – it actually makes the invasion permanent: “The truth is that Joe Biden’s executive order won’t stop the invasion. It’s weak and it’s pathetic. It will actually make the invasion worse. Millions of people a year will continue to pour across our border and be released into our country. And we recently learned Biden is secretly granting mass amnesty to hundreds of thousands of these illegal aliens, along with welfare, government benefits, work permits, and jobs.”

Biden’s “plan” is to legalize the worst border crisis in U.S. history. President Trump’s plan is to secure the border. In the words of President Trump, “On Day one, I will seal the border, stop the invasion, and send Joe Biden’s illegal aliens back home.”


The contrast could not be clearer.

NO REGRETS – Confusing Putin and Xi Jinping, lying about inflation, and doubling down on failed policies…Biden’s TIME interview was a disaster.

Among a litany of concerning and baffling claims, Joe Biden’s comments on border security particularly stick out. He was asked if he regrets reversing President Trump’s policies and creating the border crisis. Even after all of the death and destruction, he said no.

In fact, he said he wishes he’d have dismantled President Trump’s border security policies sooner.

Of course Biden is unapologetic; he created the border crisis on purpose. He is unfit to be president.

MASS AMNESTY, MASS CRIME – According to a new report from the New York Post, the Biden administration is operating a de facto “mass amnesty” program for illegal aliens as it “quietly terminates 350,000 asylum cases.”

Now, we’ve learned that the illegal alien accused of shooting two NYPD cops had his has immigration case dismissed within a year of illegally crossing into the U.S. Joe Biden is allowing millions of illegal aliens to enter our country unvetted, and then offering hundreds of thousands mass amnesty.

The result is Biden’s border bloodbath.

SWAMP THE VOTE – Today, President Trump and Trump Force 47 announced the launch of Swamp The Vote USA to promote the use of absentee and mail ballots and early in-person voting.

Swamp The Vote USA is a project of Trump Force 47, the Republican National Committee’s sponsored neighbor-to-neighbor grassroots organizing program that focuses on mobilizing highly-targeted voters in critical precincts across the battleground states and districts.

Check out Swamp The Vote USA and the launch video at SwampTheVoteUSA.com. For more information, click here.

CHALLENGING NEVADA’S MAIL BALLOT COUNTING PRACTICES – The RNC, Trump Campaign, and Nevada GOP have filed a lawsuit challenging Nevada’s counting of mail ballots received after Election Day that lack a postmark. Nevada law clearly requires mail ballots to be postmarked on or before Election Day to ensure that ballots received after the Election are not counted. Yet, it has been discovered that Nevada election officials routinely count non-postmarked mail ballots received after Election Day, in violation of the law.


As RNC Chairman Michael Whatley stated, “Counting ballots received after Election Day without a postmark creates a concerning and potentially fraudulent impact on Nevada’s elections. We are filing this lawsuit to ensure that Nevada law is followed and promote election integrity in the Silver State.”

For more information, click here.

“OUR LAST WAKE-UP CALL” – Sen. Marsha Blackburn is out with a new must read op-ed on the sham trial verdict.

Here are some key lines:

  • “Today, every American should be frightened by this enormous escalation of the left’s two tiers of justice. They have abandoned the rule of law and shredded the Constitution in a desperate attempt to keep President Trump out of the White House.”
  • “This is our final wake-up call. Joe Biden has repeatedly promised he would ‘unite the country,’ yet, he has spent the last four years targeting anyone he sees as a political threat. With Biden in the White House, concerned parents are considered domestic terrorists, Catholics are referred to as ‘violent extremists’ and hardworking small businesses are subject to the wrath of an ever-growing IRS.”
  • “Thank goodness Americans see this for what it is: a preordained partisan sham. Now more than ever, they are fed up and motivated to ensure our nation remains free and our justice system remains fair. We’re seeing Americans who never voted for Trump before now flocking to support him because they are justly frightened about what is at stake.”

For the full op-ed, click here.

THE NEVER-ENDING BIDEN BLOODBATH – Joe Biden aided and abetted an invasion with his open border policies. Now, he is trying to make that invasion permanent, and American communities are paying the price.

The only way to end Biden’s border bloodbath is to re-elect President Trump in November.

Get the facts at BidenBloodbath.com

BIDEN BORDER DISORDER – Joe Biden has created disorder on our border from the day he took office. The invasion at our border is a direct result of his policies, and his executive order will only make things worse. Watch the video here.

CEMENTING CRISIS LEVELS – Crooked Joe Biden wants to allow many thousands of illegal aliens to cross the border each day. In 2019, Obama-Biden DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson outlined the benchmark of a crisis. He said 1,000 illegal border crossings per day “overwhelms the system. I cannot begin to imagine what 4,000/day looks like.” Watch the video here.

NEVER SURRENDER – The Left isn’t just after President Trump, they are after you. He is just standing in their way. Watch the video here.

BIDEN IS DESPERATE – There's only one reason that Crooked Joe Biden is talking about border security: his poll numbers are terrible.

  • A whopping 7 in 10 Americans disapprove of Biden's handling of the border.
  • A recent Gallup poll found concern about illegal immigration is higher now than at any point in the history of the survey.
  • Voters trust President Trump more than Crooked Joe Biden on border security by a massive 27-point margin.

If Biden actually cared about securing our border, he could have left President Trump’s successful border policies in place – policies that resulted in the safest and most secure border in history. He didn’t because he doesn’t, and now he wants to formally allow thousands of unvetted illegal aliens to enter our nation every day.

For more, click here.

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