July 22, 2024

KAMALA HARRIS IS BIDEN 2.0 – Kamala Harris owns Joe Biden’s terrible record because it is her record as well.

  • Rapid Inflation – As vice president, Harris was the deciding vote that allowed the $1.9 trillion “stimulus” to be passed; which even liberal economists call the “original sin” that fueled inflation.
  • The Border Invasion – Since Harris was named border czar, there have been close to 10 million illegal alien border crossings, constituting the worst border crisis in U.S. history.
  • Worldwide Chaos – The Biden-Harris administration emboldened Iran, surrendered Afghanistan, and refuses to confront China. Just like Biden, our adversaries don’t respect or fear Harris.

It’s a reality that Harris even admitted today as she continues to defend their disastrous administration. This has truly been the Biden-Harris administration – a partnership of willful incompetence that has wreaked disaster, chaos, and destruction.

A UNITED GOP UNDER PRESIDENT TRUMP – The split-screen between the united and motivated Republican Party under President Trump and the Democrat Party in free fall could not be more stark.

Last week’s convention put forward President Trump’s vision to make America wealthy, strong, safe, and great again. We heard from everyday Americans who have suffered under the policies Harris has supported and implemented, and who know we need President Trump back in office.

Only a week after the heinous assassination attempt on President Trump’s life, he was back on the campaign trail, addressing a packed crowd in Michigan with the future vice president, Sen. J.D. Vance.

The movement to Save America has never been stronger.

“WHO IS RUNNING OUR COUNTRY RIGHT NOW?” – As President Trump noted on Truth Social, “if [Biden] can’t run for office, he can’t run our Country!”

Again to borrow the words of President Trump, “[Biden] was not fit to serve from the very beginning, but the people around him lied to America.” Now, after President Trump had the greatest presidential debate victory in American history, the so-called party of democracy has thrown out the votes of their own primary voters. As is often true of Democrats, they are the opposite of what they sell. They are the party of special interests, dishonesty, and corruption. Under President Trump, the Republican Party is the party of the people.

POLLING ROUNDUP As the Team Trump rapid response team pointed out earlier today, even if Democrat Party insiders and donors are able to successfully anoint disgraced border czar Kamala Harris as the new nominee – disenfranchising millions of Democrat primary voters in the process – it won't save them.

Democrats can't name a single state where Kamala Harris would perform better than Crooked Joe would have. In fact, President Trump crushes Kamala Harris in every poll.

To name a few:

    • 49%, President Donald J. Trump (+11)
    • 38%, Kamala Harris
    • 51%, President Donald J. Trump (+8)
    • 43%, Kamala Harris
    • 44%, President Donald J. Trump (+8)
    • 36%, Kamala Harris

For more polling data, click here.

HARRIS’S RADICAL RECORD – As Team Trump has been pointing out for weeks, Kamala Harris not only owns Joe Biden’s terrible record, her record is even worse. In a new article today, Team Trump again made the case.


Some key takeaways”

  • “She was the copilot on some of Biden’s most egregious failures. Case in point: As Biden’s ‘border czar,’ Harris helped fuel the invasion at our southern border. She has only visited the border once as vice president, and far from actually securing the border, she supports the most radical elements of the Democrats’ open-borders agenda. She supports abolishing ICE, wants to decriminalize illegal border crossings, and smears Border Patrol agents, namely by being one of main promoters of the ‘whipping’ hoax.” 
  • “She is anti-worker. Harris embraces the worst far-left policies of Joe Biden and the radical Democrats. She embraces pro-China electric vehicle mandates, wants to eliminate the Trump middle-class tax cuts, supports the socialist Green New Deal, and wants to ban everything from plastic straws to fracking to offshore drilling.”
  • “She applauds ‘defund the police.’ Harris supported Los Angeles’s cuts to their police department, called efforts to add more police to the streets ‘wrongheaded thinking,’ and opposed the death penalty for cop killers. She also raised money for the Minnesota Freedom Fund, a far-left organization which pays to bail violent criminals – including accused murderers and rapists – out of jail.”

And that is just the beginning. For more from today’s “Harris Dishonest Mondays” – which will be a continuing series – click here.

THE TRUTH ABOUT KAMALA HARRIS – Harris helped fuel the invasion at our border, and if she has her way, she will make the crisis even worse. Click here to watch the video.

INSPIRING THOUGHTS FROM KAMALA HARRIS – Harris makes even less sense than Joe Biden. Her confounding word salads are infamous. Click here to watch the video.

KAMALA WAS IN ON IT – Harris was central to the largest coverup in modern American political history. Click here to watch the video.

HARRIS’S OPEN-BORDER RECORD – Border Czar Kamala Harris has one of the worst records on the border in history. As border czar, she has overseen an invasion as drugs and criminal illegal aliens cross into our country and kill Americans.

What’s worse, Harris would not only double down on disaster if elected president, but she would further aid and abet the invasion.

  • Kamala supported decriminalizing illegal border crossings.
  • Kamala said she wouldn't “treat” illegal aliens as “criminals.”
  • Kamala backed free, taxpayer-funded health benefits for illegal aliens.
  • Kamala compared ICE agents to the KKK.
  • Kamala called for “starting [ICE] from scratch.”
  • Kamala expressed support for sanctuary cities.
  • Kamala argued temporarily closing the border violated federal law.

And if that weren’t bad enough, her time as border czar has been marked by – in the most generous terms – complete incompetence. Such incompetence, in fact, one can reasonably assume she purposefully refuses to secure the border. She has only visited the border once, only after she was pressured to go, and she has not spoken with the chief of Border Patrol for over three years. Let that sink in.

For more information on how she has been a “colossal failure” as border czar, click here. Be sure you are following @TrumpWarRoom and @RNCResearch for the latest on Harris’s radical record.

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