May 29, 2024

KEY FACTS ON THE KEYSTONE STATE – Today, Crooked Joe Biden went to Philadelphia to announce “a nationwide effort to mobilize Black voters.” It’s not going to work.

Black Americans consistently say inflation and the economy are their top issues in this election — and on that metric (and virtually all others), Biden has failed. Eight-in-ten Black voters have a negative view of the economy under Biden. It’s not just Black voters – Biden has decimated economic prosperity for all Pennsylvanians. In Pennsylvania under Biden:

  • Prices have risen by 17.5%.

  • The average family is paying an extra $900+ per month to keep up with the increased cost of living.

  • Average gas prices remain nearly $1/gallon higher than when Biden took office.

  • The median sales price for a home has jumped more than 31% over the past three years.

For more on Biden’s event, click here. For in-depth facts and figures, click here.

TIED IN VIRGINIA – We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, President Trump is playing offense by expanding the electoral map. The latest example? Virginia, where a new Roanoke College poll shows Biden and Trump tied in the blue-leaning state.

Not only that, when asked to rate the Trump and Biden years as good or bad, Virginia voters rated the Trump years as “good for the country” by an 11-point margin, while rating the Biden years as bad for the country by a 22-point margin. It’s yet another reason for Team Biden to panic.

DERANGED DE NIRO – Embarrassing;” “colossal” mistake “freakout mode;” “disaster” … those are just a few of the words used to describe the Biden campaign’s unhinged “press conference” outside the courthouse yesterday.

Amid the absurd spectacle that was that “press conference,” it’s important to remember that the Biden campaign functionally admitted what we all already knew by holding it. This trial is election interference at the highest level. For more, click here.

ILLEGAL MAIL BALLOT LISTS – The RNC sent a letter to Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson demanding urgent action to clean up Michigan’s inaccurate and outdated permanent mail ballot list.

Michigan law requires the removal of inactive voters from the permanent mail ballot list. Yet this includes nearly 92,000 inactive voters, and Secretary Benson’s Election Officials’ Manual misstates the legal requirement on this issue. Secretary Benson must bring the Manual and the permanent mail ballot list into compliance with Michigan law to ensure a fair election.


For the full press release, click here.

BIDENOMICS VS REALITY – Former Speaker Newt Gingrich is out with a new op-ed describing one of Biden’s biggest challenges in selling Bidenomics: Reality.

Here are a few key lines:

  • “No matter how many ads the Democrats run claiming that the economy is strong, Americans go to the grocery store every day. They are immediately reminded that things are much worse than President Biden and the Democrats claim. Bidenflation shows up in every aisle of the store.”
  • “Viewed over the entire Biden presidency, the economic pain is beginning to resemble the Jimmy Carter years, when people felt everything was out of control.”

Americans face the reality of higher prices every time they go to the grocery store. Biden’s spin can’t change the facts. Read the full op-ed here.

TRUMP GOES EVERYWHERE – President Trump is campaigning everywhere! Meanwhile, Biden’s handlers won’t let him enter a room without staging every detail.

President Trump is bringing his winning message to every voter across this country. Watch the video here.

GAS PRICES UPDATE – For those following along, gas prices have now been above $3 a gallon for 1,114 days.

They were never that high under President Trump.

ANOTHER PREVENTABLE CRIME – An illegal alien from El Salvador is “now charged with murder after authorities responded to a fire in a field on May 6 in Martinsburg, where a burnt body was located.”

The illegal alien is believed to have entered the U.S. after his release from prison in El Salvador in 2021. According to a Fox News report, his arrests and convictions in El Salvador “include DUI, sexual assault/murder, aggravated robbery and narcotics-related crimes.”

While he was turned back when he tried to enter Canada, he was released into the U.S. and given a notice to appear. This is another heinous crime that was preventable if Biden had not reversed President Trump’s border security policies. For more information, click here or go to

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