In the words of Trump Campaign Senior Advisors Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles, Kamala Haris and every other Democrat in D.C. “are all just as complicit as Biden is in the destruction of our once-great Nation, and they must all be thrown out of office.”

As we’ve been pointing out for weeks here at Team Trump, Kamala Harris is Joe Biden 2.0. In fact, her record is even worse and she is even further to the left. She has already tried to lie about her record, but here is the truth about Kamala Harris:

  • She was the copilot on some of Biden’s most egregious failures. Case in point: As Biden’s “border czar,” Harris helped fuel the invasion at our southern border. She has only visited the border once as vice president, and far from actually securing the border, she supports the most radical elements of the Democrats’ open-borders agenda. She supports abolishing ICE, wants to decriminalize illegal border crossings, and smears Border Patrol agents, namely by being one of main promoters of the “whipping” hoax.
  • She is anti-worker. Harris embraces the worst far-left policies of Joe Biden and the radical Democrats. She embraces pro-China electric vehicle mandates, wants to eliminate the Trump middle-class tax cuts, supports the socialist Green New Deal, and wants to ban everything from plastic straws to fracking to offshore drilling.
  • She applauds “defund the police.” Harris supported Los Angeles’s cuts to their police department, called efforts to add more police to the streets “wrongheaded thinking,” and opposed the death penalty for cop killers. She also raised money for the Minnesota Freedom Fund, a far-left organization which pays to bail violent criminals – including accused murderers and rapists – out of jail.
  • She’s has a lower approval rating than Joe Biden. Harris is the least popular vice president in history – which is no surprise given her terrible record.
  • She makes just as much sense as Joe Biden. By that we mean, none at all. Harris is infamous for her word salads and confounding speeches. One of the classics: “talking about the significance of the passage of time, right, the significance of the passage of time. So, when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time.” For more “inspiring” thoughts from Harris, click here.

That’s a record Harris can’t defend because it is indefensible.

Her dishonesty doesn’t end there. As President Donald Trump noted on Truth Social, Biden “was not fit to serve from the very beginning, but the people around him lied to America.” Importantly, no one has been more central to the cover up than Harris. Again to refer to the words of Senior Advisors LaCivita and Wiles, “the question then to Kamala Harris is simple: knowing that Joe Biden withdrew from the campaign because of his rapidly deteriorating condition, does Harris believe the people of America are safe and secure with Joe Biden in the White House for six more months?”

For years, Democrats have been perpetrating a massive fraud as they willfully hid Crooked Joe Biden's obvious cognitive decline from the public – and Team Trump has documented numerous times Harris lied directly to the American people about Biden’s condition. This is about our national security, but, true to form, Harris put America last. She must answer questions on what she knew when, and why she defrauded the American people.

Regardless of who the Democrats end up putting forward, President Trump has the vision, the policies, and the leadership to Make America Great Again, and he will win by a decisive margin in November!

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