July 3, 2024

BIDEN CAMPAIGN IN FREEFALL – A new leaked Democrat poll shows that the Biden campaign is in freefall.

Yikes – the news has gone from bad to worse for Joe Biden. Importantly, however, Americans aren’t just rejecting Biden’s competency (or lack thereof), but his failed policies that have been embraced hook, line, and sinker by the entire Democrat Party.

Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Democrats in Congress aided and abetted an invasion at our border, fueled inflation, lowered real wages, raised the tax burden on the middle class, weakened America’s standing the world, emboldened our enemies, allowed criminals to control our streets, and prioritized special interest groups over families.

The Democrat agenda is “America Last.” In November, Americans will vote to put America First!

KAMALA IS CULPABLE – Every Democrat who has lied about Biden’s cognitive decline is culpable for the scandal we are seeing unfold before our eyes.

For 3½ years, Democrats have lied to the American people. Now, in a desperate and futile attempt to protect themselves from the wrath of voters this November, they are changing tune and coming to grips with reality. It's too little, too late.

The destruction and chaos created by the Biden administration isn't just on Crooked Joe — it's on the entire Democrat Party. None have been worse than Kamala Harris, who has lied repeatedly – presumably putting her own position above the security of the American people. A few examples:

  • Harris: “I'm not lying” about Biden’s cognitive and physical abilities.
  • Harris: “I spend a lot of time with Joe Biden... This is someone who is tireless in terms of working...”
  • Harris: “The way that the president’s demeanor in that report was characterized could not be more wrong on the facts.”

For a list of 50 times Democrats have lied about Biden’s obvious cognitive decline, click here.

In November, the American people will remember these lies from Democrats.

THE 12 DAYS OF BIDEN’S REST –  How long does Joe Biden need to recover from a foreign trip?

Apparently 12 days, including two at the beach and six days hunkered down at Camp David, is not enough to keep Biden from, in his words, “almost [falling] asleep on stage.” That was his latest excuse for his disastrous debate performance. He essentially admitted that he is not up for the job. As Team Biden continues to invent excuses, we are seeing them debunked in almost real time.

By the way, those six days at Camp David included time for an “afternoon nap,” as reported by The New York Times.  Biden’s “traveling abroad 12 days ago” excuse is being roundly ridiculed for good reason.

The problem for Team Biden: They can’t come up with a real reason because the truth is that Biden is unfit for office. Read the full “Crooked Biden Recap” here.

MOST EXPENSIVE INDEPENDENCE DAY IN HISTORY – Team Trump is out with a new research piece on how “Bidenomics” is hammering families this Fourth of July.

Some highlights:

  • “Thanks to Bidenflation, 2024 will be the most expensive Fourth of July on record according to the American Farm Bureau.
    • The cost of a Fourth of July cookout is up 5 percent from 2023 and up 30 percent from five years ago.
    • Ground beef is up 11 percent, hamburger buns are up 7 percent, lemonade is up 12 percent, ice cream is up 7 percent, and chips are up 8 percent from last year.
    • While food costs continue to rise, farm income is dropping, falling 17 percent in 2023 and expected to decrease another 25 percent this year.
  • After the Biden White House attempted to brag about the price of an Independence Day barbecue going down by $0.16 in 2021, the same meal has since increased by $11.72 since then.”

For all the facts and figures, click here.

TIMELESS QUOTES FROM KAMALA HARRIS – We thought it’d be a good time to reup this classic. To watch the video, click here, and for timeless quotes from Joe Biden, click here.

“DID YOU FIRE ANYBODY?” – Kamala Harris should’ve been fired for her absolute failure as “border czar.” President Trump called out Joe Biden for refusing to hold anyone in the Biden administration, least of all himself, accountable. Watch the video here.

PROTECT THE VOTE – The RNC and Trump Campaign’s “Protect The Vote Tour” is in full swing!


From Nevada…

To Georgia…

To Pennsylvania…

…and all across the country, the RNC and Trump campaign are building a 100,000-

person-strong election integrity program.

Go to ProtectTheVote.com to learn more.

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