MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN – President Trump was in Michigan outlining his agenda to Make America Safe Again.
Kamala Harris has pursued a pro-criminal, anti-police agenda throughout her career. She is a “defund the police” radical who would abandon our law enforcement and endanger our communities. No wonder law enforcement organizations around the country are endorsing President Trump.
In case you missed it, Team Trump is out with a must-read memorandum on crime. Click here for more information. Vote Trump to Make America Safe Again!
HOW MANY MENTIONS? – Democrats have no vision or solutions to our nation’s problems. Last night’s convention was solely focused on President Trump.
They would rather talk about President Trump than the problems facing our nation due to Kamala Harris' failures.
Want proof? Here are the mentions of the corresponding words last night:
- “Trump” – 147 times
- “Border” – 8 times
- “Economy” – 27 times
- “Inflation” – 3 times
- “Prices” – 5 times
- “Crime” – 6 times
If they want to talk about President Donald Trump, they should talk about his vision to save America. Check it out for yourself at DonaldJTrump.com/platform.
BESHEAR’S VILE COMMENTS AT DNC – In truly disgusting and vile comments, Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear wished for a member of JD Vance's family to become pregnant due to rape.
William Martin, Vance Communications Director, responded: “After speaking on the DNC main stage last night, Harris campaign surrogate Governor Andy Beshear went on national television this morning and explicitly called for a member of Senator Vance’s family to be raped. His comments are disgusting, vile, and should not be tolerated in American politics. We call on Kamala Harris to immediately repudiate Governor Beshear’s comments and demonstrate that regardless of partisan disagreements, this kind of violent rhetoric has no place in our public discourse.”
A MAJOR WIN – The RNC and PAGOP just secured a major win for mail ballot safeguards.
Protecting votes by mail is a victory for election integrity and for Pennsylvania voters! Follow @RNCVoteProtect for more.
“KAMALA HARRIS’ DEMOCRATIC PARTY IS NO PARTY FOR US” – Former Congressman Lee Zeldin is out with new op-ed with a message for his fellow Jewish Americans.
“The Democrat Party's failure to address the rising tide of antisemitism within its ranks has reached a dangerous tipping point, and Vice President and Democratic Presidential Nominee Kamala Harris' actions are emboldening those who hate Jews.”
- “Since the October 7 massacre, countless radicals within the Democrats' base have taken to the streets. They use Hamas's attack as their rallying cry. They wave the flags of terror organizations on our streets, chant ‘Death to America’ on our soil, and block Jewish students from academic facilities on our college campuses. Through silence at times and blatant pandering at others, Kamala Harris is choosing to be led by these people.”
- “As Jewish Americans face increasing threats both at home and abroad, it's clear that the current administration is unwilling or unable to provide the protection we need. This November, we must vote to restore safety, strengthen the U.S.-Israel alliance, and put America First by electing leaders who truly stand with us, like Donald Trump and J.D. Vance.”
Read the full op-ed here.
“KAMALA AND I” – Kamala owns the failed Harris-Biden record. Even Joe Biden says so. Watch the video here.
KAMALA LOVES “DEFUND THE POLICE” – Kamala Harris is a “defund the police” Democrat. Watch the video here.
300,000 MISSING KIDS – The cruelty of Kamala’s border crisis knows no bounds. Team Trump Rapid Response had the latest. Click here to share this important message.
In a stunning DHS report (released right in the middle of the DNC), the Harris-Biden administration quietly admitted nearly 300,000 smuggled migrant children are missing – with many likely sold into sex and labor trafficking.
The true number is likely substantially higher – and certainly higher than the 85,000 migrant children that were previously reported lost under Harris-Biden.
This means hundreds of thousands of children who were smuggled across the border under Kamala Harris and Joe Biden have vanished – and authorities have virtually no ability to find them. In fact, officials were unable to locate 84 percent of unaccompanied minors in just one ICE location.
The report found widespread failures and breakdowns within the Harris-Biden administration, including the lack of a “formal policy or process” to manage unaccompanied children, "limited oversight" of the programs, and non-existent internal communication protocols.
All of this has resulted in an epidemic of missing children under Harris-Biden – where the most vulnerable among us are left to suffer the inhumanity of their open borders obsession.
As a result, likely hundreds of thousands of children are subjected to the horrors of sex slavery, forced labor, and human trafficking – and nobody seems to care.
Where's the outrage?
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