In one of her opening ads since she was undemocratically installed as the Democrat nominee, Kamala Harris claimed that she “believe[s] in a future where every person has the opportunity not just to get by, but to get ahead.”

The results of Kamalanomics show just the opposite.

  • She was the deciding vote for the $1.9 trillion “stimulus” that even liberal economists warned would send inflation surging.
  • She was the deciding vote for the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act” scam, which did nothing to lower inflation and instead raised the tax burden on the middle class.
  • Since she took office, overall prices are up 20.1%, food prices are up 21.3%, rent costs are up 21.5%, and electricity costs are up 31.6%.
  • Interest rates have surged to their highest points in decades, slamming Americans trying to start a family, by a home, or pay off credit card debt.
  • Over a million fewer native born Americans are working today than a year ago, as rising unemployment indicates that our economy is already in a recession.
  • Markets are crashing as the grim economic news resulting from Kamalanomics grows. For more information, check out this piece from the Team Trump Rapid Response Team.

Now, 75% of Americans rate current economic conditions negatively – 75%! Instead of an economy where people are “getting ahead,” Kamalanomics has created an economy where people aren’t even “getting by.”

President Trump predicted a crash if Kamala was elected, today’s market news proves that he was right. The choice is simple, “Trump Cash or Kamala Crash.”

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