July 26, 2024

TRUMP MEETS WITH NETANYAHU – President Trump met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu today at Mar-a-Lago.

President Trump will always stand with Israel!

KAMALA HARRIS: DEFUND THE POLICE – Kamala Harris is a “defund the police” far-left liberal. Even CNN called out her dangerously liberal record.


Unfortunately, that’s just the start. Americans will reject her dangerous policy positions in November.

KAMALA HARRIS: CROSSING ILLEGALLY IS “NOT A CRIME” – On no fewer than 15 occasions, Harris has defended illegal alien lawbreakers, a sentiment at odds with her role as “Border Czar” in the Harris-Biden administration:

  • “We're not gonna treat people who are undocumented and cross the border as criminals.” (2019 interview)
  • “Being an undocumented immigrant is not a crime.” (2019 interview)
  • “It is wrong to somehow suggest that an undocumented immigrant is a criminal.” (2017 press conference)
  • “I know what a crime looks like and I will tell you — an undocumented immigrant is not a criminal.” (2017 remarks)
  • “We are going to get rid of this term ‘illegal alien.’” (2016 remarks)
  • “An undocumented immigrant is not a criminal — and we have to correct course on this conversation in our country.” (2016 debate)
  • “An undocumented immigrant is not a criminal.” (2016 remarks)
  • “An undocumented immigrant is not a criminal.” (2016 remarks)
  • “An undocumented immigrant is not a criminal.” (2016 campaign rally)
  • “An undocumented immigrant is not a criminal.” (2016 campaign rally)
  • “An undocumented immigrant is not a criminal.” (2016 campaign rally)
  • “An undocumented immigrant is not a criminal.” (2016 campaign rally)
  • “An undocumented immigrant is not a criminal.” (2016 campaign rally)
  • “An undocumented immigrant is not a criminal.” (2016 campaign rally)

As "Border Czar," Harris opened the door for millions of unvetted illegal aliens — including violent criminals and terrorists — to flood our country. Her negligence has led to U.S. citizens being brutally murdered and assaulted by individuals with no legal right to be in the country in the first place. Read the full post from the Team Trump Rapid Response Team here.

KAMALA FAILING TO REWRITE HISTORY – In case you missed it, Team Trump called out Kamala Harris’s and the Fake News media's week-long failed attempt to rewrite history on her position as border czar.

“Kamala Harris and the mainstream media have spent the week trying to erase Harris’s disastrous record as border czar. They have failed. This isn’t the first time Democrats have told the American people ‘don’t believe your lying eyes.’ The problem for Kamala and the fake news? We have the receipts:


Not to mention Joe Biden himself, repeatedly, saying Kamala Harris is in charge and doing a ‘great job’ at the border as Harris nodded along.


The question is: Why does Harris want to rewrite her record as border czar out of the history books? If it was a success, wouldn’t she be bragging about it? Therein lies the answer. She has been a complete failure as border czar. Nearly 10 million illegal aliens have crossed the border on her watch, deadly fentanyl is poisoning more Americans than ever, illegal aliens are murdering and assaulting Americans, cartels have de facto control over much of the border, and the terror threat to the U.S. homeland is rising.


There is an ongoing bloodbath from the lethal drugs and crime in American communities as a result of Kamala Harris’s failure as border czar. Now, she is running to abolish ICE, decriminalize illegal border crossings, and support sanctuary cities.


Border Czar Kamala Harris is complicit in fueling an invasion at our border, and Americans are paying the price.”

Read the full recap here.

DEMOCRAT CHAOS; REPUBLICAN VICTORY – Kamala Harris owns Joe Biden’s failures because they are her failures as well. As RNC Chairman Michael Whatley explains, that means the fundamentals of the presidential race election haven’t changed:

  • “Sorry to break it to Democrats, but our strategy hasn’t changed. As vice president and border czar, Kamala Harris owns all of the Biden administration’s many failures, and our operation has been centered around electing Donald J. Trump since he became our presumptive nominee in March.” 
  • “In fact, Kamala Harris was always clearly at fault for one of Joe Biden’s biggest vulnerabilities during his campaign. Biden made Harris border czar in March 2021. Since then, Harris and Biden have undertaken 94 executive actions to dismantle all of the protections that President Trump put in place to secure the border, including his ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy — which has resulted in an average of 5,000 illegal immigrants being released into the United States every day. Harris and Biden’s Department of Homeland Security admitted that more than 40 percent of catch-and-release migrants have totally disappeared.”
  • “The result? Our country has ushered in nearly 10 million illegal immigrants since Harris and Biden took office. More people on the FBI terror watchlist were arrested at the southern border in fiscal year 2023 than in the last six years combined. 112,000 fatal drug overdoses occurred in 2023, a new record high, as fentanyl rose to become the leading cause of death for Americans age 18 to 45. Migrant crime has led to the brutal murders of women like Rachel Morin, Laken Riley, and countless others across the country.” 
  • “Harris’s record is not restricted to the border. As vice president, Harris owns all of Biden’s failures. That includes the Harris-Biden economy, under which Americans experienced the worst inflation in four decades, with groceries up 21.2 percent, rent up 21.2 percent, and electricity up 29 percent since they took office. Harris and Biden halted oil and gas leases on federal lands, issued sweeping bans on drilling, and proposed billions in new taxes on the U.S. fossil-fuel industry, leading to higher energy costs for consumers.” 
  • “It also includes their America Last trade agenda, which has sent 7,000 jobs in the American iron and steel industry overseas, and foreign-policy agenda, under which Putin launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the Taliban control Afghanistan, Iran-backed groups are attacking U.S. troops and allies, Iran can fuel at least three nuclear weapons now, and China is menacing Taiwan.”
  • “The truth is that Kamala Harris brings the same approach to the Democrats’ presidential ticket.”

Read the full op-ed here.

THE REAL TRUMP AGENDA – Don’t be fooled by the fake news. Go to DonaldJTrump.com/platform for the real Trump agenda. Watch the video here.

KAMALA HARRIS: DANGEROUSLY LIBERAL – This may be one of the most important videos you watch before the election, so we’re including it again.

FACTCHECKHARRIS.COM – The Trump Campaign and RNC are out with another factcheck of Kamala Harris. This time, on her claim that “Bidenomics is working.”

Go to FactcheckHarris.com for more.

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