- August 21, 2024 - 

The Most Absurd Lie Yet From The DNC Stage

Democrat Senator Chris Murphy is a shameless liar. 


Sen. Murphy said, "For 20 years, Kamala Harris has been tough as nails when it comes to securing our border."


Here is Kamala's actual record on immigration and the border:


  • Kamala Harris supports decriminalizing illegal border crossings. 
  • Kamala Harris thought Barack Obama deported too many illegal immigrants. 
  • Kamala Harris compared ICE officers to the KKK and said we need to start "from scratch" with the agency that arrests and deports rapists and killers. 
  • Kamala Harris supports giving taxpayer-funded healthcare coverage to illegal immigrants.
  • Kamala Harris wants to shut down immigration detention centers and release thousands of criminals.
  • Kamala Harris said a border wall is "medieval" and mocked the idea that terrorists would take advantage of our southern border. 
  • As Border Czar, Kamala Harris oversees a porous border that releases criminals and terrorists into the country.
  • As a senator, Kamala Harris urged the Senate not to fund additional Border Patrol personnel.

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