TO: Interested Parties
FROM: Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles, Donald J. Trump for President 2024
RE: The End Is Near For Nikki Haley
Nikki Haley’s campaign ends Saturday, February 24th, fittingly, in her home state, rejected by those who know her the best.
Of course, like any wailing loser hell-bent on an alternative reality and refusing to come to grips with her imminent political mortality, we should expect more references to Kings and Coronations — even though the results of 5 elections overwhelmingly sent an unmistaken message: Nikki Haley doesn’t represent Republicans any more than Joe Biden does.
But they both have a simple mission: attack Donald Trump and use any means necessary. RINO Nikki and her team have decided that it’s okay to solicit and accept money from national leftists — and — attempt to hijack GOP contests across the country by courting Democrats. That’s a stain that doesn’t go away.
- In Iowa, President Donald Trump outworked, out-organized, and outperformed his opponents by all-time record numbers.
- In New Hampshire, despite record turnout and Democrats driven to the polls by Team Nikki, President Donald Trump not only won with double digits, he also received more votes than any candidate running in a primary in New Hampshire history.
- In Nevada, Nikki Haley humiliatingly lost to “NONE OF THE ABOVE” in the state’s primary by better than a two-to-one margin – and President Donald Trump received more than twice as many votes in a party Caucus (and won with 99.1% of the vote) despite the state mailing primary ballots to every voter in the state!
This is called political intensity — President Trump has it, and most assuredly, Nikki Haley does not.
We won’t bore you with the reams of data that show an ass-kicking in the making in South Carolina, but we will show you the very serious math problem Nikki Haley has. This is the diagnosis she refuses to accept: The end is near.
Currently, President Trump has 63 delegates. If we were overly generous and applied a “worst case” model reflecting Nikki Haley's loss in New Hampshire across the remaining states and Congressional Districts, President Trump would earn 114 Delegates the week following the South Carolina Primary. On Super Tuesday, under this very favorable model for Nikki, President Trump would win 773 Delegates. President Trump would win an additional 162 Delegates the following two weeks, after Super Tuesday. And, on March 19, under this most-generous model for Nikki, President Trump would win the Republican nomination for President.
Now, if we ignore this model and follow what the current data — both public and private — suggests, President Trump will win the Republican nomination one week earlier, on March 12, with 1,223 Delegates. Which is all to say, before March Madness tips off next month, President Trump will be the Republican nominee for President.
Considering the above conservative view of securing the nomination, we ask, “What’s the next step for Team Trump?”
- Acknowledge that Nikki Haley is irrelevant and not newsworthy — and unworthy of said attention.
- The Republican National Committee becomes one with the Donald J. Trump for President campaign.
- Convention planning, fundraising, strategy, and state party tactics — including full coordination with the NRCC and the NRSC — begin in earnest.
- The General election (even though we have always known it started months ago) begins, and the case to Fire Joe Biden is prosecuted.
The true “State” of Nikki Haley’s campaign?
Broken down, out of ideas, out of gas, and completely outperformed by every measure, by Donald Trump.