August 15, 2024

TRUMP BOOM VS. KAMALA COMMUNISM – During today’s press conference, President Trump laid out the clear contrast between Kamala Harris’s “economic” policy of communist price controls, inflation, and regulations that have cost families thousands of dollars, and his vision to lower prices, increase wages, end the regulatory onslaught, and empower the American people.

The contrast is clear!

CUTTING ENERGY PRICES IN HALF – President Trump laid out his vision to lower costs for hardworking Americans. As part of his plan to Make America Wealthy Again, he has an agenda to lower energy prices by at least half!

In contrast, Kamala Harris claims “fight[ing] to bring down prices” will be a “day one priority,” but as President Trump pointed out, day one for Kamala Harris was three and a half years ago, and all she has done is fuel inflation.

Vote Trump to Make America Wealthy Again!

COMMIE KAMALA ­– Kamala Harris’s first policy proposal (that wasn’t copied from President Trump) is straight from the “economic” plans of Stalin, Maduro, and Castro: Price controls.

Anyone with the slightest historical literacy should dismiss Commie Kamala’s proposal – and the word commie is especially applicable here – completely out of hand. However, for those giving it consideration, it is worth noting that her entire case for price controls has already been debunked.

As reported by CNN, a study from the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco conclusively showed that corporate greed isn’t behind inflation.

So what is behind the massive rise in inflation? Kamala Harris’s spending spree.

Kamala Harris was the tie-breaking vote for the $1.9 trillion “American Rescue Plan,” and the tie-breaking vote on the “Inflation Reduction Act” scam. even liberal economists like Jason Furman, Steven Rattner, Larry Summers, and Janet Yellen say her spending fueled inflation.

The bottom line: Kamala Harris fueled inflation. Instead of admitting the truth, she wants price controls. If she has her way, the results will be what history has proven they always are – bread lines, shortages, and poverty.

THREE YEARS SINCE KABUL’S FALL – It has been three years since the Taliban took over Kabul, in direct contradiction of the Harris-Biden administration’s assurances that the Afghan government would not collapse, the U.S. embassy would not be evacuated, and there would not be a chaotic withdrawal.

It has been three years and Kamala Harris and Joe Biden have refused any accountability for the worst foreign policy catastrophe in a generation. Kamala Harris, who bragged that she was the “last person in the room” when the decision was made, has a lot to answer for.

This week, the Taliban paraded in U.S. military equipment that Kamala Harris and Joe Biden abandoned in Afghanistan. It was the latest embarrassment for our country – an embarrassment that was completely avoidable, severely damaged our credibility, and has led to chaos all over the world.

This issue goes to the heart of Kamala’s judgment. Her involvement in the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal is yet another reason she is unfit to be president.

KAMALA’S HEALTHCARE DECEPTION – Team Trump Rapid Response has the facts on Kamala’s healthcare deception.


Prices, of course, are way up amid Kamala's never-ending inflation crisis, but nowhere is that pain felt more than in healthcare – where Kamala promised affordability and delivered the opposite:

  • Harris-Biden reinstated monopolies on generic drug production, repealed “most favored nation” drug pricing, rescinded President Trump's $35 insulin for low-income Americans (for which Harris-Biden falsely claim credit), and let insurers off the hook over their failure to comply with price transparency.
  • Kamala's tiebreaking vote on the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act” — and subsequent price fixing scheme — has resulted in higher prices and fewer choices for seniors.

Meanwhile, President Trump has a record of actually delivering lower healthcare costs for Americans by encouraging innovation. In fact, Obamacare premiums declined three years in a row during President Trump's term as Americans saw prescription drug savingsexpanded choicean end to surprise billing, and so much more.

For more information, click here.

KAMALA AND WALZ RUNNING SCARED – Kamala and Walz said they looked forward to debates. Turns out, they were all talk. President Trump has challenged Kamala to three debates, and JD Vance has challenged Walz to two debates. Kamala and Walz have refused to step up to the plate.

That’s par for the course from them at this point. They are terrified of questions. If they can’t handle a few debates, they can’t handle the presidency.

WHEN DEMOCRATS LOSE CNN AND ABC – Even CNN and ABC are calling out Tim Walz’s repeated dishonesty.


CNN: “Tim Walz’s 2006 campaign falsely described details about his arrest for DWI in 1995”

  • “When Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz first ran for Congress in 2006, his campaign repeatedly made false statements about the details of his 1995 arrest for drunk and reckless driving.” 
  • “But in 2006, his campaign repeatedly told the press that he had not been drinking that night, claiming that his failed field sobriety test was due to a misunderstanding related to hearing loss from his time in the National Guard. The campaign also claimed that Walz was allowed to drive himself to jail that night. None of that was true.”

ABC News: “Walz previously faced criticism over the way he characterized his military service, records show”

  • “Walz nodded in agreement at that statement, despite the fact that – according to military records and his own admission – although he served in Operation Enduring Freedom in Italy, he never served in Afghanistan.”
  • “An ABC News review of hours of footage from his past interviews and speeches, along with years of records from his initial campaigns, shows that journalists, some of his colleagues in the National Guard, and even voters have sometimes been left with an inaccurate picture of his military service that has led to criticism dating back years.”

KAMALA VS. TIPPED WORKERS – As first reported by Breitbart, the Trump Campaign is out with a new video slamming Kamala Harris’s radical record of targeting tipped workers. Watch the video here.

KAMALA VS YOUR HEALTHCARE – Kamala Harris wants to take away your healthcare. Watch the video here.

DAY 25 – Kamala Harris has gone 25 days and counting without holding an interview or press conference! No questions, no unscripted events, just the same teleprompter speech over and over and over again.

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