- January 21, 2024 - 

MEMO: ​Nikki Haley Must Win In New Hampshire. Just Listen To Her Own Supporters.

TO: Interested Parties

FROM: Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles

RE: Nikki Haley Must Win In New Hampshire. Just Listen To Her Own Supporters.


In early December, the Trump for President campaign picked up on a rise in poll numbers and positioning for Nikki Haley in the Iowa Caucuses well ahead of any breathless media speculation. Having spent tens of millions of dollars between the campaign and its affiliated SuperPACs, the Haley forces had eclipsed Ron DeSantis’ campaign in the polls by a handful of points and spent the remaining weeks before the Iowa Caucuses engaged in an aggressive - and bloody - campaign to maintain their “First Place Loser” position.


The whole purpose of placing second in Iowa, according to the Nikki Haley campaign and its allies, was to position themselves as the “Alternative to Trump” going INTO New Hampshire, where they knew DeSantis had virtually no presence, zero campaign activity , and no chance of winning. Fighting it out in New Hampshire, where the campaign could rely on its dopey chief surrogate, Governor Sununu, and the state’s primary laws that permit behavioral Democrats and Independents (which, combined, outnumber Republicans) to influence the outcome of the Republican primary, deliver a win for Nikki Haley, and position their campaign for a shocking win in her home state of State Carolina.


Makes sense, right?


So much sense that the campaign’s chief surrogate, Governor Sununu, proclaimed in a December 15th article in the Washington Post: “She’s going to win in a landslide, and that’s not an exaggeration.” 


Gov. Sununu went on to say - in one of the many fawning sessions brought to you by FOX News- that the “country’s gonna get excited when New Hampshire hits that reset button.” 


Then on ABC News, in a joint interview with Nikki Haley conducted by famed fiction writer Jon Karl, Governor Sununu proclaimed: “New Hampshire is an absolute win – it’s a win and a reset button.  


And what does Nikki Haley say? 


“It’s exciting - we feel it on the ground – we are going to do this.”


The pontificators and prognosticators who make up the Cable News filler made it clear, Nikki Haley just has to win New Hampshire:


  • Quoted in the Guardian: “That makes Tuesday a make-or-break moment.”


  • EJ Dionne, a senior fellow in governance studies at the Brookings Institution, said at a panel discussion organized by the thinktank: “There is a road for her but it’s rocky, it’s rutted, it’s narrow and it runs along the edge of a cliff. She has to win New Hampshire, I believe, to have any chance of going on. I don’t think running close in New Hampshire will really cut it anymore, especially after running third in Iowa.”


  • Also, let’s not forget former House Speaker Paul Ryan’s pronouncement from the globalist confab in DAVOS: “Let’s just wait and see what happens in New Hampshire… and if Nikki Haley wins New Hampshire, then I think we’ve got a race on our hands.”


  • Wrapping it all upthe Chief Prognosticator and illustrator for the infamous whiteboard(and former political practitioner himself), Karl Rove, said on FOX News: if this race is going to go beyond New Hampshire, it’s going to have to have a Nikki Haley Victory in order to do it.” 


Now that we are a mere 48 hours from the Primary, the tone has shifted mightily. We see it, you see it, but make no mistake, if Nikki Haley loses in New Hampshire - there are only two options:  


Option A:  Nikki Haley drops out, unites behind President Trump, and commits to defeating Joe Biden (where, in the latest Harvard-Harris poll, Trump bests Biden by double the margin a now-fictional Haley vs. Biden match-up would be).


Option B:  Nikki Haley prepares to be absolutely DEMOLISHED and EMBARASSED in herhome state of South Carolina after she gets zippo votes or delegates in Nevada, because Haleyentered the Nevada Primary, rather than the Nevada Caucus, where 100% of the state’s delegates are actually awarded.


Now, for some important advice…


Choose wisely.

Paid for by Donald J. Trump for President 2024, Inc

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