July 31, 2024

PRESIDENT TRUMP SHOWS UP! – Today, President Trump attended the National Association of Black Journalists conference in Chicago. He showed up to take questions on the issues facing Black Americans and all Americans but faced liberal mainstream media malpractice. In the words of Trump Senior Advisor Lynne Patton:

  • “President Trump has continually said that unlike Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, he’s running to be President for ALL Americans, and if you’re running to unite the entire Country, you have to back it up with action like President Trump did today at the National Association of Black Journalists conference in Chicago. Members of the media need to make a decision, and answer if their goal is to unite the Country or further divide us, because based on the unhinged and unprofessional commentary directed toward President Trump today by certain members of the media, many media elites clearly want to see us remain divided. This is unacceptable… President Trump remains defiant in the face of media bias and will continue working to make life better for all Americans regardless of how poorly he’s treated by supporters of Kamala Harris, and in fact President Trump hopes to win them over in the future with his vision of returning success to our Country.”

See the full must-read statement here. Even faced with this malpractice, President Trump knocked it out of the park, and proved once again that he is fighting for all Americans!

President Trump shows up, Kamala Harris doesn’t. As noted by RNC Chairman Michael Whatley, “President Trump flew to Chicago, took tough question after tough question from the press, and crushed it. Kamala didn’t have the guts to show up. Whether it’s a rally in the Bronx or visiting the NABJ in Chicago, President Trump is talking to every American.”

NO TAX ON SOCIAL SECURITY! – President Trump will always defend Social Security, Medicare, and America’s seniors! His policies will deliver on that promise.

Meanwhile, Kamala Harris wants to destroy Social Security and Medicare by giving government benefits meant for America’s seniors to illegal aliens.

A vote for President Trump is a vote to protect Social Security and Medicare!

KAMALA WANTS TO TALK ABOUT THE BORDER? – Kamala Harris just released an ad on the border. You read that right. Border Czar Kamala Harris – who has the weakest record on border security in American history – wants to talk about the border.

So let’s talk about it.

Because of President Donald Trump’s successful policies, our border was secure and we had the lowest levels of illegal border crossings in a generation. Enter Kamala Harris. In her words, “the [Harris-Biden] administration’s immigration policies largely involve undoing the previous one’s work.”

So what was the result of the Harris-Biden administration undoing President Trump’s policies? Under Kamala Harris:

  • 9.9 million illegal immigrants have crossed the border.
  • Roughly 31 tons of fentanyl have crossed the southern border, enough to kill roughly 14.1 billion people. Experts say only 5 to 10 percent of the drugs crossing the border are being intercepted.
  • Fentanyl is now the leading cause of death for Americans age 18 to 45. There were 112,000 fatal drug overdoses in 2023, a new record high.

“Border Czar” Harris has only visited the border once as vice president – traveling to a politically-friendly district rather than the epicenter of the crisis – and that was years ago. President Trump went to witness the crisis firsthand just a few months ago, and has been numerous times during his administration and after.

And of course, Kamala’s ad was full of lies – starting with her absurd insistence that she supports security measures like increasing the number of Border Patrol agents. As reported by Fox News’s Bill Melugin, in 2018, Kamala Harris signed a letter that urged the Senate to "reject President Trump’s FY 19 funding request for a costly and ineffective border wall, new Border Patrol agents, and a large increase in U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) personnel and detention beds.”

That’s her record, and a lie-filled ad won’t change that. For the full “Harris Weakness Wednesdays” post, click here.

KAMALA IS TERRIFIED – As noted by the Team Trump Rapid Response Team in a new post today, Kamala Harris hasn't done a single interview nor press conference in the ten days since her coup to force Crooked Joe Biden off the ballot.

That's an obvious departure from her first 1,278 days in office, when she did no fewer than 240 interviews between taking office and Biden's exit – on average, one interview every five days.

The only logical conclusion is that she's terrified.

The leads the team to ask some important questions: Is Kamala trying to make history as the first major nominee to take zero questions from the press? Is she concerned she'll be pressed on the coverup of Biden's decline? Is she worried she'll have to defend her indefensible far-left positions and her humiliating failures in office?

Or is she simply scared Americans will see her for who she is? Weak, failed, and dangerously liberal.

Most likely, it’s a yes from Kamala to all of the above.

FACTCHECKING KAMALA ON CRIME – Kamala Harris keeps on lying. Most recently, she absurdly claimed to have solved the problem of crime. Team Trump isn’t going to let her get away with a ludicrous lie like that.

The facts:

When Kamala took office, the FBI ditched the crime data reporting system used for more than 100 years for a “modernized” system that many of the nation's largest police departments aren't using. Now, the FBI's Q1 2024 data is missing nearly a third of the nation's law enforcement agencies – including from many of the most violent cities, such as Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Oakland, and New Orleans. There’s not less crime, there's just less reporting of crime data.

A much more accurate picture emerges from the DOJ’s National Crime Victimization Survey, which shows crime is way up over to pre-pandemic levels.

  • There was a 43% increase in violent crimes, a 58% increase in rapes, an 89% increase in aggravated assaults, and a 56% increase in robberies between 2020 and 2022, the most recent year for which data is available.
  • More Americans were victims of violent crimes in 2022 than in any year since 2012.
  • Kamala has presided over three of the four most murderous years in the last quarter century.
  • Even using the flawed FBI data, there has been a 10% increase in the average annual number of homicides under Kamala (20,700) compared to President Trump (18,627).
  • In most cities, murder rates remain higher than pre-pandemic levels.

For the full posts debunking Kamala Harris on crime, click here and here.

NEW TEAM TRUMP ADS – The Trump Campaign released two must-watch ads calling out Kamala Harris’s disastrous record as border czar.

Watch the ads here and here.

FIGHTING FOR OUR COUNTRY – President Trump is running to Make America Great Again, and to make sure that the forgotten men and women of this country are forgotten no longer. Watch the video here.

FACTCHECKHARRIS.COM – The Trump Campaign and RNC are out with another factcheck of Kamala Harris. This time, we’re debunking her flat-out lie that the Harris-Biden administration didn’t raise taxes on the middle class.

Go to FactcheckHarris.com for more.

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