Contact: Tommy Pigott and Eric Leyden, Team Trump

Future Vice President JD Vance gave a masterclass last night deconstructing the dishonest arguments from Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. A few examples:

The Economy: “And I honestly, Tim, I think you got a tough job here because you've got to play whack-a-mole. You've got to pretend that Donald Trump didn't deliver rising take home pay. Which, of course, he did. You've got to pretend that Donald Trump didn't deliver lower inflation, which, of course, he did. And then you've simultaneously got to defend Kamala Harris's atrocious economic record, which has made gas, groceries, and housing unaffordable for American citizens.”


He’s spot on. The facts speak for themselves.

  • President Trump handed Kamala Harris a 1.4% inflation rate. On her watch, inflation reached over 9% and prices are up now over 20%.
  • Under President Trump, real weekly wages increased 8.2%. Under Kamala Harris, they are down over 3%.

In fact, Since Kamala took office, groceries prices are up 21.5 percent, rent costs are up 22.5 percent, and electricity prices are up 30.7 percent. Reminder, even liberal economists blame her spending for inflation.


The Border: “And I didn't accuse Kamala Harris of inviting drug mules, I said that she enabled the Mexican drug cartels to operate freely in this country, and we know that they use children as drug mules, and it is a disgrace and it has to stop. Look, I think what Tim said just doesn't pass the smell test. For three years, Kamala Harris went out bragging that she was going to undo Donald Trump's border policy. She did exactly that. We had a record number of illegal crossings. We had a record number of fentanyl coming into our country. And now, now that she's running for President, or a few months before, she says that somehow she got religion and cared a lot about a piece of legislation. The only thing that she did when she became the Vice President, when she became the appointed border czar, was to undo 94 Donald Trump executive actions that opened the border. This problem is leading to massive problems in the United States of America. Parents who can't afford health care, schools that are overwhelmed. It's got to stop, and it will when Donald Trump is President again.”


When Vance correctly pointed out that “border czar” Kamala Harris has allowed cartels to operate freely in the U.S., even Tim Walz nodded in agreement. It is a complete disgrace. The Harris-Biden administration inherited a secure border and created the worst border crisis in U.S. history. Under Kamala Harris, illicit drugs are flowing into the country at an alarming rate, with only 5 to 10 percent being intercepted as border officials struggle to contain the smuggling. Since she took office, roughly 33.2 tons of fentanyl have crossed the southern border, enough to kill roughly 15.1 billion people.

Fentanyl is now the leading cause of death for Americans age 18 to 45, with the number killed by the drug up 94 percent since 2019. 112,000 fatal drug overdoses occurred in 2023, a new record high, and on average, one person in the U.S. now dies from a fentanyl overdose every seven minutes.

Former U.S Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz testified that the U.S. does not have operational control of the entire border. As proof of that fact, more than 1.9 million gotaways have escaped past Border Patrol into the U.S. since Kamala Harris took office.



Foreign Policy: “When did Iran and Hamas and their proxies attack Israel? It was during the administration of Kamala Harris…effective, smart diplomacy and peace through strength is how you bring stability back to a very broken world. Donald Trump has already done it once before. Ask yourself at home, when, when was the last time? I'm 40 years old. When was the last time that an American President didn't have a major conflict breakout? The only answer is during the four years that Donald Trump was President.”


Indeed, President Trump oversaw historic peace agreements that many claimed were impossible. We’ve gone from President Trump’s era of peace to global chaos after 3.5 years of Kamala Harris.

On Iran, the terrorist-funding regime has managed to make at least $90 billion from illicit oil sales under Kamala, largely due to "ongoing hesitance to enforce oil sanctions on Iran." Iran had just $4 billion in foreign reserves when President Trump left office.

It’s clear that Iran does not respect Kamala Harris. She told Iran in October of last year "don't” – and since her tepid “warning,” Iranian proxies have killed U.S. troops, attacked U.S. Navy ships, shot down U.S. drones, and Iran itself has attacked Israel. For more information, click here.


Kamala Harris’s weak arguments were completely and fully debunked. That’s why she struggles to defend her record – it’s indefensible.

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