June 5, 2024

LEGALIZING ILLEGAL CROSSINGS – Yesterday, Crooked Joe Biden marshalled the energy to hold an 8-minute “press conference” where he unveiled his “solution” for the unprecedented border crisis taking place on his watch: legalizing illegal immigration.


Biden and his administration admitted as much:

  • During his remarks, Biden announced that his goal was not to stop illegal immigration, but to direct illegal aliens to ports of entry for a fast-pass into the country.
  • This morning on MSNBC, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas echoed Biden, saying the executive order won't stop illegal immigration – just facilitate a more expedited entry for millions of unvetted illegal aliens from all over the world.

Once at a port of entry, illegal aliens will be processed and released into the country to await adjudication years from now, or be handed amnesty through Biden’s de facto “mass amnesty” program.


Even for the toothless “limits” the executive order purports to have, there are enough loopholes to drive a truck through. Horrifyingly, Laken Riley and Kayla Hamilton’s illegal alien murderers would still have been released into the U.S. under this executive order because of those broad exceptions.

In a way, Biden is keeping the dangerous promise he and Kamala Harris made during the campaign to decriminalize illegal border crossings. Now, Americans are paying the price.


For more, click here.

CHAOS THROUGH WEAKNESS – Crooked Joe Biden touched down in France at 9:28 a.m. local time – then immediately called a “lid” for the day. His visit comes ahead of the 80th anniversary of the D-Day invasion, and as his foreign policy failures remain a “liability” for his campaign.

Under President Trump, we had peace through strength. Under Joe Biden, we have chaos through weakness.

Europe at war, Israel under attack, Iran emboldened, Afghanistan surrendered, China ascendent, a record number of embassies abandoned, the terror threat rising … Biden is singlehandedly responsible for the biggest U.S. foreign policy failures in a generation.


In the face of all these disasters, Biden continues to claim success. His TIME interview makes that clear. His complete inability to recognize reality would be shocking if it wasn’t the case on nearly every issue.

Don’t expect a change of course from Biden – he has the exact same team and the exact same approach that threatens to plunge the world into World War III.

The only way to keep America safe is to fire Biden and re-elect President Trump. For more, click here.

TRUMP FORCE 47 GOES TO PHILADELPHIA – Trump Force 47 is in FULL FORCE in Philadelphia!

Yesterday’s office grand opening with the Pennsylvania Republican Party, Rep. Wesley Hunt, and local community leaders was packed. MAGA!

CLEANING UP MICHIGAN’S VOTER ROLLS – Michigan's ongoing election integrity crisis is alarming. Yesterday, the RNC filed an amicus brief supporting PILF’s efforts to clean up Michigan’s severely outdated voter rolls and remove dead voters from the lists. This comes on the heels of the RNC’s recent lawsuits concerning signature verification and inflated voter rolls, as well as demanding Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson remove nearly 92,000 inactive voters from the automatic mail ballot list.

To learn more about the RNC’s election integrity lawsuits, go to ProtectTheVote.com.

“BIDEN SHOWS SIGNS OF SLIPPING” – A new report from The Wall Street Journal confirms that officials are seeing behind closed doors what Americans see every time Biden goes out in public: Joe Biden is diminished.

  • “When President Biden met with congressional leaders in the West Wing in January to negotiate a Ukraine funding deal, he spoke so softly at times that some participants struggled to hear him, according to five people familiar with the meeting. He read from notes to make obvious points, paused for extended periods and sometimes closed his eyes for so long that some in the room wondered whether he had tuned out.” 
  • “In a February one-on-one chat in the Oval Office with House Speaker Mike Johnson, the president said a recent policy change by his administration that jeopardizes some big energy projects was just a study, according to six people told at the time about what Johnson said had happened. Johnson worried the president’s memory had slipped about the details of his own policy.”
  • “Last year, when Biden was negotiating with House Republicans to lift the debt ceiling, his demeanor and command of the details seemed to shift from one day to the next.”

It’s not like this is a secret. As the article notes, Biden is often extremely confused, making basic mistakes such as “during a February fundraiser in New York, he recounted speaking to German Chancellor Helmut Kohl—who died in 2017—at the 2021 Group of Seven meeting. That same month, at a different fundraiser, he said that during the 2021 G-7 summit he had spoken to former French President François Mitterrand, who died in 1996.”


Joe Biden is unfit to be president. Read the full article here.

SWAMP THE VOTE TO WIN – In the words of President Trump, “the way to win is to Swamp Them with Votes!” Watch the video here, and check out Swamp The Vote USA at SwampTheVoteUSA.com.

BIDEN BORDER DISORDER – Joe Biden has created disorder on our border from the day he took office. The invasion at our border is a direct result of his policies, and his executive order will only make things worse. The Biden Border Crisis will end the day President Trump takes office. Watch the video here.

“WITH ONE ORDER AND ONE SIGNATURE” – Crooked Joe Biden could solve the border crisis at any time by reversing his policies and reinstating President Trump’s successful border security measures. He refuses to, and President Trump called him out. Watch the video here.

MOST WANTED – Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced an illegal alien most wanted list that includes heinous criminals that should not be in the country.

As Texas works to secure the border, Joe Biden is suing to stop them. In contrast, President Trump will send reinforcements and deport Biden’s criminal illegal aliens. Go to BidenBloodbath.com to learn more.

REMEMBER THE SECURE THE BORDER ACT? – Joe Biden keeps falsely claiming that Republicans have not passed border security legislation. In fact, House Republicans passed the Secure the Border Act 402 days ago.

That legislation would actually secure the border, unlike Joe Biden’s proposals, so naturally, Biden and Senate Democrats are blocking it.

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