July 12, 2024

JOE BIDEN 2.0 – Kamala Harris is Joe Biden 2.0. Team Trump outlined how in the new “Crooked Biden Recap.”

  • She was the copilot on some of Biden’s most egregious failures. Case in point: She’s Biden’s “border czar.”
  • She is anti-worker. Harris embraces the worst far-left policies of Joe Biden and the radical Democrats.
  • She applauds “defund the police.” Harris supported Los Angeles’s cuts to their police department and called efforts to add more police to the streets “wrongheaded thinking.”
  • She’s has a lower approval rating than Joe Biden. Harris is the least popular vice president in history – which is no surprise given her terrible record.
  • She makes just as much sense as Joe Biden. By that we mean, none at all. For “inspiring” thoughts from Harris, click here.
  • She is a liar. For years, Democrats have been perpetrating a massive fraud as they willfully hid Crooked Joe Biden's obvious cognitive decline from the public – and no one has been more central to the coverup than Harris.

Kamala Harris’s radical policies and her part in one of the greatest coverups in American history have disqualified her from office. No matter who the Democrats put up, President Trump will win in November in a landslide. For the full recap, click here.

“PRESIDENT PUTIN” MEET “VICE PRESIDENT TRUMP” – According to Joe Biden, Putin is President of Ukraine, and he chose Donald Trump to be his vice president. At least that’s what he said at the NATO conference.

After his press conference, even MSDNC was questioning Biden’s grasp of reality – though some of his most delusional staffers claimed confusing basic facts showed Biden’s knowledge of foreign policy. His campaign even posted the exchange of Biden calling Volodymyr Zelenskyy “Putin.” Posting videos of your candidate lost and confused… is even his own staff against him now?

HARRIS LOSES IN A LANDSLIDEABC News recently compared how Biden and Harris would do against President Trump, and spoiler alert, they both lost in a landslide. According to the model, President Trump is dominating in the battleground states and has a 60% to 70% chance of beating either of them.

So as Democrats panic, here’s the bottom line: They are going to lose no matter who they put up.

HIGHER PRICES, LOWER WAGES – Yesterday’s inflation report showed that prices have risen by 20.1 percent since Biden took office. Under “Bidenomics,” groceries are up 21.3 percent, rent is up 21.5 percent, and electricity is up 31.6 percent.

Meanwhile, real weekly earnings are down 3.6 percent under Biden. Under President Trump, real average weekly wages rose 8.2 percent.

It’s clear, vote for President Trump to Make America Wealthy Once Again!

TERROR SUSPECTS AT LARGE According to the New York Post, 50 illegal aliens with connections to ISIS are at large in the United States after being smuggled over the border.

Where are they? What are their intentions? Biden’s invasion is a threat to national security.

TRUMP PLAYING OFFENSE – A new report from The New York Times shows that even Democrats know that President Trump is playing offense all over the electoral map.

Some key takeaways.

  • “As President Biden insists he will stay in the presidential race, Democrats are growing increasingly alarmed that his presence on the ticket is transforming the political map, turning light-blue states into contested battlegrounds.”
  • “Down-ballot Democrats, local elected officials and party strategists say Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Mexico and Virginia…could be in play in November after his miserable debate performance last month.” 
  • “And in a meeting at the White House last week, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham of New Mexico told Mr. Biden that she feared he would lose her state, according to two people briefed on her comments.”
  • “Some party leaders have begun to worry that Mr. Biden could soon find himself playing defense even in a Democratic bastion like New York, where no Republican presidential candidate has won since Ronald Reagan…a reputable poll found Mr. Biden up by only single digits before the debate.”
  • “And a statewide survey in Oregon completed this week found that Mr. Biden had just a single-digit lead over Mr. Trump, according to results shared with The New York Times by a person who was not authorized to disclose them publicly.”

What these Democrats miss, however, is that these states are competitive because of Biden’s failed policies – policies that the entire Democrat Party has embraced hook, line, and sinker. The entire party needs to answer for their failures, not just Joe Biden. For the full article, click here.


THE KAMALA COVER-UP – No one was more central to the cover-up of Biden’s decline than Kamala Harris. She has to answer for perpetrating a fraud on the American people. Watch the video here.

IT’S ALMOST CONVENTION TIME! – The next time we’ll be writing will be from Milwaukee at the “Make America Great Again” Convention. Republicans are more motivated and stronger than ever, and are united around President Trump and his platform to Make America Great Again!

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