June 24, 2024

PHILLY IS MAGA COUNTRY – President Trump continued his unprecedented tour of deep-blue cities with a massive rally in Philadelphia over the weekend. Just like in the Bronx and Detroit, the energy was electric. And the energy extended outside the rally as well, with President Trump greeting supporters while ordering a cheesesteak. Crooked Joe Biden could never. In fact, his campaign won’t even let him walk into a Wawa without staging the whole thing.

Democrats are panicking, and they should be. We are seeing enthusiasm for President Trump in traditionally Democrat areas unseen for any Republican presidential candidate in modern history. Make America Great Again!

FAKE NEWS STRIKES AGAIN – If fake news CNN wanted to restore their already destroyed reputation, refusing to let facts on air is a poor way to do it. Trump Campaign National Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt went on CNN to discuss the debate, but the moment that she discussed the obvious and provable fact that Fake Tapper is biased, her microphone was cut.

Seems like denying reality and censorship are still all the rage at CNN, and that this debate will be three-on-one. President Trump will still win.

BIDEN’S CAMPAIGN IS BASED ON A LIE – From the very start of his campaign for president in 2019, Biden said he was running because of the “very fine people” hoax – the demonstrable lie which falsely claims that President Trump called neo-Nazis “very fine people.” It was a disgusting smear which set the stage for the years of division, the divisive rhetoric, and the weaponization of lies and institutions to go after political opponents which has come to define the Biden years.

Now, seven years too late, even the liberal “fact check” organization Snopes is debunking this obvious lie, writing that Trump “specifically noted that he was not talking about neo-Nazis and white supremacists and said they should be ‘condemned totally.’ Therefore, we have rated this claim ‘False.’”

Biden did not tell this smear just once, but repeatedly. He repeated it during the presidential debates in 2020, during his speech at the Democrat National Convention, continually in ads and on social media, from the bully pulpit as president, and routinely on the campaign trail. Even when he was directly confronted for lying, he doubled down, refusing to listen to facts and reason.

The American people will hold Joe Biden responsible for his dishonesty on November 5th by voting him out of office. Read today’s full “Crooked Biden Recap” here.

“THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS” – In the latest horrifying example of Biden Migrant Crime, an illegal alien was arrested for raping a 13-year-old girl. The girl’s father is speaking out, blaming Biden’s cruel open-border agenda.

“The open border policy, I have never agreed with, because that just invites a lot of things that we don’t need. And look what came in. Look what happened to my daughter…. It just turned my world upside down, and the healing process has yet to begin…My mind is really swirling with all of the anger I have right now.”

He continued, “You don’t need someone like that walking around, driving around, biking around, looking for spots where he can be a predator.”


This was preventable. This crime happened because Joe Biden invited an invasion. Read the full article here.

VOTER INTEGRITY IS VOTER EMPOWERMENT – RNC Co-Chair Lara Trump detailed the RNC and Trump Campaign’s unprecedented election integrity program in The Detroit News.


Some key lines:

  • “On the legal front, we are working every day to secure the best system possible before the election. We have engaged in critical legal battles across the country, with record wins, on common sense issues to make the system better.”
  • “Last week, we won on a key portion of a huge case in the Michigan Supreme Court requiring signature verification on absentee ballots. Again, these are basic, common-sense safeguards that ensure our elections follow the law and give every legal vote its due. Similar issues can be found across the country, which is why we’ve put more resources towards litigation than ever before.”
  • “We will have 100,000 poll watchers, poll workers, and legal experts fully trained, observing the process, and mitigating threats to our election in real time. We are securing the election so that voters can have full confidence in it.”
  • “Last week, we launched the Protect the Vote Tour — a whistlestop campaign to bolster our Republican poll watcher training. At our first stop in Michigan, I saw a packed house of passionate volunteers, eager to engage in the civic process. Across the country, people realize the alarming problems in our elections system, and that we deserve better.” 

Ultimately, the Left opposes these efforts with bad-faith attacks because they are trying to undermine our democracy. In the words of Co-Chair Trump, “[Democrats] are quick to shout 'voter suppression' at our election integrity efforts because they’re wholly against what these efforts really are: voter empowerment.” Read the full op-ed here.

FAKE TAPPER – Calling out bias is apparently prohibited on CNN. We have the receipts. Watch the video here.

“NO TAX ON TIPS” – President Trump brought his message of “no tax on tips” to Philadelphia over the weekend, and Philadelphia loved it! Watch the video here.

BIDEN LIES – All week long, the Trump Rapid Response Team will be calling out Biden’s lies ahead of the debate. There are a lot of them.

Today, they called out some of Biden’s major lies on the economy and the border.

Among Biden’s lies on the border:

  • The border is “secure.” (It’s not).
  • The “only reason the border is not secure” is because of Republicans and President Trump. (Actually Biden is to blame).
  • A border crisis “happens every single solitary year.” (Biden’s border crisis is unprecedented).
  • “We’re working to make sure [the border] is safe and orderly and humane.” (There is nothing “safe,” “orderly,” or “humane” about Biden’s open border).
  • “I’ve done all I can do” to secure the border. (Biden could end the crisis any day, but refuses).

And on the lies about the economy:

  • “I created 15 million jobs.” (He needs to look up the definition of “recovered”).
  • “Inflation was 9% when I came into office.” (It was 1.4%).
  • “Gas prices were over $5 when I took office.” (The average price of gasoline was $2.39 per gallon).
  • “Incomes are up.” (Real incomes and real wages are lower).
  • “I cut the national debt.” (The debt has increased over $7 trillion since Biden took office).

Get all of the facts on the border here and the economy here. Crooked Joe Biden's record is indefensible – so all he can do is lie, and that's exactly what he is going to do on Thursday night.

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