August 19, 2024

“BIDEN’S SECOND TERM” – There is no daylight between Kamala Harris and Joe Biden. The proof? The DNC just released Kamala’s party platform, and it includes at least *nineteen* mentions of “Biden's second term.”

This platform is an open admission that Kamala’s only “plan” is to double down on the failure and chaos she helped created over the last 3.5 years. She has no plan to fix the litany of crises she's created.

Kamala doesn't even have a policy page on her website. This morning, The New York Times highlighted that Hillary published over 200 policy proposals in 2016. Biden's campaign published a 110-page policy document in 2020.


Kamala is trying to represent herself as an agent of change, when in reality, Kamala is an agent of chaos. She wants to continue to execute the Biden agenda to decimate the economy, destabilize the globe, and open the border

Kamala Harris has delivered a broken economy, a broken border, and a broken world. To share or for more from Team Trump Rapid Response Team, click here.

“FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!” FOR WORKERS – President Trump was in Pennsylvania today outlining his vision to undue the damage Kamala Harris has done to our economy and put American workers first again.

Vote Trump to Make America Prosperous and Affordable Again!

AN UNPRECEDENTED INVASION – Today’s reported border numbers show that the unprecedented border invasion Border Czar Kamala Harris helped fuel continues at a breakneck pace.

For more from the Team Trump Research Team, click here.

COMRADE KAMALA'S CAMPAIGN TRAIL MELTDOWN – It was a humiliating weekend for Comrade Kamala Harris and Communist Slob Tim Walz. 

Fortunately, Team Trump was in Pennsylvania to show Comrade Kamala what real grassroots enthusiasm looks like.  To share or for more from the Team Trump Rapid Response team, click here.

COMRADE KAMALA ON HER OWN POLICIES – Kamala Harris wants you to believe she has a new economic “vision” to solve the problems of “Bidenomics.” She’s lying; Bidenomics is Kamalanomics. We’ve lived the results of Kamalanomics for three and half years, and prices are higher, real wages are lower, and families are poorer.

Here’s how Kamala Harris described the results of her own economic policies:

  • “Everyday prices are too high”
  • “It feels so hard to just be able to get ahead”
  • “The bills add up”
  • “There’s a serious housing shortage”
  • “There’s not much left at the end of the month”

Yikes. That’s quite the indictment of her own economic policies. Kamala cast the tie-breaking vote for $1.9 trillion in inflationary spending and the tie-breaking vote on the “Inflation Reduction Act” scam and proudly brags about it. Even liberal economists like Jason Furman, Steven Rattner, Larry Summers, and Janet Yellen say her spending fueled inflation.

Since Kamala took office, overall prices are up over 20%, food prices are up over 21%, rent is up 22%, and electricity is up 31.7%. 

Now, she wants to add bread lines and shortages to her record of fueling inflation. Even the liberal Washington Post compared her policies to the Soviet Union and Venezuela.

Kamala Harris owns the dismal economy, and her new “vision” has justly earned her the name: “Comrade Kamala.”

“HARRIS WAGES WAR ON U.S. ENERGY” – Future Vice President JD Vance is out with a new op-ed slamming Kamala Harris’s disastrous anti-American energy agenda.


Some key lines:

  • “Growing up in Ohio, I learned the hard way that poverty breaks families. To break the cycle of dependency, families need to be able to rely on a growing and dynamic economy that generates wealth and opportunity. But an economy that works for working Americans is possible only when we have reliable, abundant, low-cost energy.”
  • “Tragically, under the ‘net zero’ energy policies advanced by Kamala Harris, the Biden administration and the entire Democratic Party, families are being denied the hopeful and abundant future that comes with low-cost energy. Electricity already costs 30% more than it did when Ms. Harris took office, with projections of another 30% increase in many parts of the country next year. Gasoline prices are up 42%. The net-zero project is already stifling investment in the coal, natural gas, and nuclear plants that Americans rely on for reliable, affordable ‘base load’ electricity.”
  • “Under her net-zero energy policy, Ms. Harris is committed to implementing the Environmental Protection Agency’s disastrous new mandates on power plants and electric vehicles. Under the electric-vehicle mandates, 67% of all new vehicles sold in the U.S. would be fully electric by 2032. That rule will obliterate the U.S. auto industry, throwing more than 100,000 Americans out of work while adding to electricity demand. The power-plant rules require existing coal plants and new and modified natural-gas plants either to adopt unproven carbon-capture technologies or to close starting in 2032. They are already shutting down. Most coal plants are expected to close before then, and there has been almost no investment in large new natural-gas plants since the rule was proposed in 2023.”
  • “Grid regulators are sounding the alarm. With coal plants shutting down and few large natural-gas or nuclear plants being built, America’s electricity grid faces significant contraction. Midwestern states risk a capacity shortfall of 4.7 gigawatts by 2028. That’s equivalent to five average-size nuclear plants. In the 13-state region served by the PJM Interconnection—which includes Pennsylvania, Virginia and my home state of Ohio—capacity auction prices indicate that electricity bills will rise at least 30% by next summer. Factories, foundries and power plants are shutting down across the heartland, throwing thousands out of work. Meanwhile, analysts expect electricity demand to soar almost 14% over the next decade, fueled by power-hungry artificial-intelligence data centers and the Biden-Harris electric vehicle mandate.”
  • “President Trump has made it crystal clear we will end the net-zero energy policies shutting down investment in electricity capacity. Instead, we will pave the way for a massive energy expansion. We will streamline permitting, end the distorting effects of federal subsidies, unleash private investment, and lay the groundwork for a historic expansion in American energy capacity.”

Read the full op-ed here.

“IT’S NOT ABOUT A COST” – It’s been 5 years, and Comrade Kamala still can’t answer how she is going to pay for her Green New Deal scam, socialist takeover of healthcare, or her radical spending agenda. No wonder she avoids interviews. Watch the video here.

THE TIE-BREAKING VOTE FOR INFLATION – There’s a reason the Democrats’ current platform references “Biden’s second term” 19 times, Kamala Harris’s policies are just as bad. In fact, they may be even worse. Watch the video here.

#KAMALACOSTS – Every time Americans go to the grocery store or fill up at the gas pump, the cost of Kamala’s policies gets worse and worse and worse.

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